Tuesday, December 27, 2011




More than two million years ago, in Tretaa Yuga, Lord Rama brought back Sun Light to the gloomy city of Ayodhya along with Sita who also restored cool Moon Shine to the city. This great event of their return to Ayodhya after fourteen years of exile after Rama's successful elimination of all dark and evil forces in the world to restore joy and happiness was celebrated by lighting the whole city with earthenware oil wick lamps followed by merriment in Ayodhya and the whole city was glowing with lights. This was the origin and inspiration for the succeeding festivals of lights by various traditions and also watching and worshiping of the divine light on holy nights with awe and reverence. Hindus clad in new clothes are busy in greeting each other and exchanging sweets while children have fun with fire crackers on this traditional festive day called Deepaavali which is the main day of the five day long celebrations. Deepaavali means string of lights. Hindus celebrate Krishna's (another avatar of Vishnu) elimination of the terrorizing demon Narakasura on Narakachaturdasi Day during October—November, removing fear and agony of the lawful citizens with his powerful weapon of fire and light Sudarshana Chakra after several thousands of years, after the ascension of Rama to heavens, in Dwaapara Yuga. Multiple rows of oil wick lamps are put up all around the houses to celebrate the removal of dark forces and bringing light to the terror stricken populace. Strangely this day is a day prior to the day on which Rama returned to Ayodhya in the Hindu calendar year and people nationwide celebrate this festival night called Naraka Chaturdasi with joy, merriment and fun with fire crackers.

Hindus celebrate Siva as Jyotirlinga (ball of fire) in Annamali Hills in South India on the 13th night of bright half of the Tamil month of Kartigai celebrating the event of the strange divine light that appeared in the sky as a glowing column of lamp. All followers of Siva celebrate the event as festival of lights called Siva Kartigai Deepam. Two days later on Poornima night all followers of Vishnu celebrate the night burning countless mud oil-wick lamps at homes with worship and merriment called Vishnu Deepam. Sikhs observe this day lighting their holiest shrine Gurudwara in Amritsar in India.

This is followed by Hanukah, a Jewish festival when a lone light in the Jewish Temple in Israel kept the darkness away against unfriendly weathers of stormy winds, when the brave Maccabeus defending their temple restored back all lights fighting for their religious freedom. This was on the 25th of Kislev, the Jewish Month. Around 2000 years ago a young and brave Jewish boy named Jesus fought against all evils and corruption that was going on in the name of religion and restored Dharma (world order). He was crucified as a religious rebel. Those who witnessed his resurrection spread his message and later their followers started a new religion called Christianity. His birthday 2011 years before, on December 25th is celebrated with lights and trees calling the day as Christmas and the pine tree as Christmas tree. Jesus restored the faith in the people in that One God who appeared as dazzling Fire in the bushes of Mount Sinai to Moses who brought back the Wisdom of Vedas in the form of Ten Commandments.

On Makara Sankranti Day in January Hindus eagerly wait to see the sudden appearance of a strange divine light that appears in the sky called "Makara Vilakku" and worship the night with awe and reverence in Sabari hills in Kerala where Rama's devotee Sabari attained her salvation in the vicinity of the temple of Aiyappan. This is soon followed by Sivaratri when Lord Siva appeared as a column of fire, who outwitted his counterparts of Trinity Vishnu and Brahma who struggled hard to find the beginning or the end of the column of fire but miserably failed. Hindus worship him that night as Jyotirlinga, a formless form (Vyakaavyakta) of the Supreme Principle with whole night vigil and worship. Then somewhere around March comes the Holy Festival of Hindus which the Hindus celebrate with born fire of great religious significance (symbolic of burning away of greed passion, anger and jealousy). This is also the night when Lord Siva burnt The God of Love, Kaama, but restored him back to his faithful and devoted wife Ratidevi, moved by her prayers.

Ramadan over several centuries has gradually shifted to what it is today based on the Muslim Calendar. In Egypt lanterns are known to be symbol of Ramadan. They are hung across the cities of Egypt, part of an 800 year old tradition. Lanterns are used to decorate houses and mosques. In Muslim countries lights are strung up in public squares and across city streets to add to the festivities of the month. In Western countries many Muslim households have taken to decorating the inside of their homes to make it look like Festival of Lights.
The dark and long nights starting with Deepavali in October-Novembers after reaching the peak, gradually taper around Holy, the Festival of Colors. Holy at the conclusion of winter brings warmth and natural sunshine. Thus the Festival of Lights is celebrated all over the world in glorification and veneration of the Supreme Principle. The lights we put up during these festivals are symbolic of heavenly bright lights, the Stars, the Sun and the Moon, that lead us to brighter and better worlds, and lead us from darkness to light to bring, peace, prosperity and Joy. The darkness of prejudices, cynicism and materialism are wiped out by the heavenly light.

Bhagavadgeetaa talks about the tree called Aswattha, whose branches are spread all around but its roots are in heaven. Lord Buddha got his enlightenment while meditating below one such spreading tree, called Bodhi. Hindus and Buddhists worship such trees on special occasions. In Western culture in the absence of Aswattha and Bodhi they decorate the long pine (Christmas) tree, rising to great heights and pointing to heaven. Upanishad compares Supreme Principle to a tall and sturdy tree: "Vriksha iva stabhdoe divi"—He who stands still like a tree in the sacred k land of light (heaven). Lord Krishna is always associated with a tree called Pinnai in Tamil (Medium sized timber tree probably Alexandria laurel) watching the cows and playing his flute to allure the Gopis or Jeevaatmas (Individual Self) while resting under the shade during the hot weather days of Mathura. The trees are also symbolic of the Supreme Spirit under whose shade we are safely protected and guided by the enveloped lights.

It is a common sight to see that most of the Hindu-Americans and permanent immigrants decorate their houses with strings of colored and pure white lights who also put up the tall pine trees in keeping with the Western tradition during the Holiday Season starting after Thanksgiving and ending on January 1, the Gregorian New Years Day. Visiting Parents, relatives and friends from India may be shocked to see the change in settled Hindu immigrants. It will take some time and thinking for such visitors dear and near to them to appreciate this gesture on behalf of immigrants in their land of adoption merging with the local culture with a spirit of co-operation, appreciation and understanding. In fact they also attend mass worship in local Hindu temples on special days like Mother's Day, Father's day, New Year's Day and Thanksgiving with their own traditional worship but within the Hindu Saastric injunctions which should also look strange to the visiting Hindus. If we think dispassionately we could also ear-mark one important day during this Holiday Season between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day for mass worship in traditional style of Hindu worship focused on a deity significant for that particular day of worship. Unlike in India Hindu Temples in America are also cultural and socializing centers for the widely spread out busy Hindu population drawn from varied traditions of India. Hindus worship many aspects of the One God which is often misunderstood as polytheism. Hinduism does not teach Universal Brotherhood but Universal Oneness as Vivekananda says.

Everyone knows the significance of Christmas Day celebrations with lights. Christmas is a day for Christians to remember and celebrate the Light of God that entered into the world through the birth of Jesus. In Hinduism we will call it an Incarnation of God which word Christians would like to avoid after the revision of the Bible in the official version of King James. As we all know three wise men hailing from a country that would eventually claim a majority of citizens who practice Islam observing heavenly light in Babylon (present day Iraq another Muslim Country) closely followed it to Bethlehem in Israel where it disappeared and witnessed the birth of a divine child who was named Jesus on 25th of December 2011 years before. These wise men were like Hindu sages who gazing at the divine stars and observing their movements brought forth the science of astronomy to the World. Jesus's Birthday was later celebrated all over the world by his followers by putting up a tree with strings of lights and exchanges of gifts. Jesus was born as Jew and died as a Jew. Jesus and his family found themselves immigrants in a foreign land (Egypt) like Hindu-Americans who came to USA to seek a better life for the ones they love.

What Jesus would have done on the 25th of December in his ancestral homeland, the Land of Israel? The answer most likely is that it would have been his birthday and a customary normal celebration with cutting cakes and blowing candles. Christmas, of course as we know it to-day, emerged as a sacred holiday for Christians only after the life and death of Jesus, promoted by his devoted followers. Jesus himself perhaps would have recognized that day as the first day of Hanukah. What would Jesus, the Jew would have done on the 25th of Kislev, the Hebrew month that includes the darkest of winter days and nights? For this you have to know the story of this festival. A group of courageous ancestors of his called the Maccabeus defended the temple from saboteurs and rebels, purified it after its liberation and restore all lights. Jesus and his followers would have known the miracle of a single cruse of oil which according to the legend, kept the Eternal Light of the Temple alive long enough for new oil to be brought to Jerusalem, to continue to keep the flame ablaze, even against the darkest of winter nights and unfriendly stormy weathers. This his followers too would have recognized.

There should be no doubt that Jesus and his fellow Jewish followers would have treasured the value of their religious liberty and freedom, as symbolized in the victory of Maccabeus and as relayed to them as well as to us through the message of the story of Hanukah. Early Christians would have also treasured it so as well. Later in the name of religion holy crusades were fought and forceful conversion done by some of his followers of ill-conceived notions. A disgruntled group from among them separated out to establish another new religion which believed more in intimidation, ridicule, violence and forceful conversion which to some extent can be seen even today. Jesus, the Jew would have celebrated the importance of that day, and all the days of Hanukah of that winter Festival of Lights, because they served to remind his people of the importance of religious freedom, and the value of religious pluralism, for all the faithful followers, of all faiths. He himself fought against the evil practices and exploitation in his own religion that was going on in the name of religion assuming liberty of his birthright to fight for the cause of justice of religious freedom that was not there, 

America is a Nation composed of Christians and Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Ahamadias and Bahais and even those with no faith tradition or belief. How do they all live in peace carrying on with their own faiths and beliefs unlike in other parts of the world even including India sometimes which is comparable to USA in this regard? This is because of the Bill of Rights under which religious freedom is guaranteed to one and all in this country. Of late they don't even call December as  Christmas Season at State level and call it only as Holiday Season. In India Christmas is a National Holiday for people of all faiths as well as no faith. Of course there is no religious worship except in churches in India. The idea behind it is Christians pray in the churches while others celebrate the festivities with their Christian brethren in their homes. Mass worship in Hindu Temples in India during the Hindu Religious holidays is individual temple oriented based on sectarian traditions which is not possible in Hindu Temples in migrant countries where it has to meet the needs of all immigrant Hindus drawn from different traditions.

Jesus treasured the divine image that he believed was contained in every human soul, and valued the freedom of religious expression, which he fought for in his days. It is this that FDR stressed when he wanted people to keep December 15th unique, on which day the Bill of Rights was born, for reverence and prayer to the All Mighty God exclusively. The three monotheistic faiths Muslims, Jews and Christians all have the divine mandate to care for the needy and vulnerable and to extend hospitality to the stranger, the foreigner, the widow and the orphans. Though descendants of Abraham like Christians and Jews, a large number among them moved out and established another new faith called Islam. Many bad elements from these Muslims walked out of the universal brotherhood and peace living of Islamic Faith causing chaos and confusion in the world and are inflicting great pains on humanity! We all know from the History that three Wise men, whatever may be their religious persuasion and the Egyptians were divinely inspired to protect, care for and extend hospitality to the immigrant holy family of Jesus. Thus Jesus himself was an immigrant who in turn fought for the religious freedom. Pilgrim Fathers who firmly believed in religious freedom went in search of a safer place where they could stick to these principles and also promote it; they wanted the new found land America safe haven for all immigrants to practice their religions without fear, enjoy freedom and prosper. It is therefore no wonder that America fought hard to promulgate The Bill of Rights. FDR wanted the Nation to remember and celebrate that memorable day December 15, when it came into a Law. Somehow caught between the busy holiday shopping season and the majority Christians favoring Christmas Day, this yet another important Day in December was lost sight off. In fact this day is more important to all Americans including majority Christians, than Independence Day on July 4. In reality Declaration of Independence only secured freedom for White and wealthy men. The divine inspiration behind the motivation for the Bill of Rights comes from none other than Jesus himself. Like Jesus, Manu gave his first Codes of Law to the much Ancient World to practice Dharma to keep the world order and spiritual progress. At that time people had no idea of the present day faith based religions. There was no word religion then in Sanskrit and even now. It was all one universal tradition. It is therefore onerous on Hindu migrants to give their deeper thoughts to celebrate this memorable day with reverence and remind the nation of the serious lapse on its part to leave the day unnoticed.

It will be fitting and proper to conduct mass worship in Hindu Temples on the 15th of December during the Holiday Season between Thanksgiving and Christmas with all jubilation, sanctity and reverence, dedicating it to Manu, the Law Giver to the World. Hindu-Americans thus will have a justification to put up the Tree of Knowledge and the Lights that remove the ignorance of darkness in individual homes and also conduct mass worship with the participation of all drawn from different traditions dedicating it to Manu. Hindu Americans will also have an opportunity to express gratitude to the Nation where they are successful materially and enjoy freedom more than their motherland from which they have migrated in search of greener pastures and more liberty and equality. This could be a better way to celebrate Independence with a traditional Hindu mass worship rather than July 4th, which could be left secular with its original intent. Such worship of Vedic deities will also be ideal in a Siva-Vishnu-Devi complex for people drawn from different traditions and also worship conducted for the mass within the Hindu Saastric injunctions.

Living amidst multi-cultured society Hindu-Americans can neither kill the enthusiasm of kids to put up lights and the tree with decorations at homes as well as disappoint them without the customary gifts during the Happy Holiday season nor can they avoid the disappointment from their visiting elders, friends and relatives from India during the season for this strange changed outlook. Best thing would be to join the general crowd and take advantage of the season to continue the spirit of Deepaavali and Kaartigai by celebrating it in the Hindu-American way as they do for Mother's day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving and January First, their adopted New Year. It would be fitting and proper to earmark December 15th as Bill of Rights Day dedicating it to Manu, the universal Law giver and to celebrate in Hindu Temples as other important days. As already said for Hindu-Americans temples are not only places of worship but also a socializing and cultural centers and it will be a good day in the midst of Holiday season to meet together. If we are celebrating other American National Holidays in the Hindu Temples why not this very important day which is so dear to us?

Celebrating the Festival of Lights this way would not only help in the National Integration giving the opportunity for expressing their gratitude to the land that has given them religious freedom and endless opportunity to prosper while living amidst different cultures but also promote the Hindu-American goal of spiritualism as well as earn respect and admiration of visiting Hindus from India. It would also be an awakening to all Americans including those followers of Christian Faith about the serious lapse in forgetting this important day of the Birth of Bill of Rights that falls midway between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. It would also earn appreciation for Hindu–Americans from all others to realize how concerned they are and how grateful they are to this country of adoption unlike some who have turned evil to destroy this great country of freedom and opportunities. We can then proudly put on the tree of twinkling stars with the bright star on its top and decorate our houses with strings of lights month long as others and also bring up our children with added Hindu values.

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavadgeetaa among trees I am Aswatthaa. Lord Krishna relaxed under the spreading Alexandria Laurel Tree (Pinnamaram in Tamil), playing his flute, alluring Gopis (Jeevaatman-individual souls) to come to the Tree of Wisdom.  During Gokulashtami Hindus also place the tree and worship with fruits hanging. (phalavatsara). You are quite familiar with X-Mas Tree that goes with lighting!


The most ancient tradition of erecting and worshiping a banana tree at   the entrance as well as inside decorating the canopy where God is worshiped and  on  important ceremonies  like wedding that takes place  under canopy for  a wish should have inspired  Christians to erect  a tree during Festival of Lights   as a wish tree. Children eagerly look forward to get their most cherished gifts from under the Christmas tree that carries the Divine Star above.

What about the gift under the tree as if coming from the star and the tree? This again is a concept got from ancient Hinduism.

Kalpavriksha also known as kalpataru, kalpadruma or kalpapādapa, is a wish-fulfilling divine tree in ancient Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. INDUISMhINDUISM

The Kalpavriksha originated during the   "churning of the Milky Ocean along with the divine cow   Kamadhenu providing for all needs. The king of the gods, Indra   returned with this tree to his paradise. Kalpavriksha is also identified with many trees such as Partijata (Erythrina variegata), Acacia, Ficus benghalensis     Madhuca longifolia, Prosopis cineraria, Bassia butyracea, and  Mulberry tree (Morus nigra tree).  Nobody is really sure when Fir trees were first used as Christmas trees. It probably began about 1000 years ago in Northern Europe.  It is reasonable to believe Xmas tree also joined this family of wish-fulfilling trees!

The color green signifies everlasting light and life. Romans decorated their houses with evergreen branches during the New Year, and the fir tree symbolized life during the winter. There is also a legend that says that when Jesus was born in the dead of winter, all the trees around the world shook off the snow to reveal new shoots of green. Mistletoe is a parasitic plant, meaning it lives on the tree that it is attached to and, without it, the mistletoe would die. The plant has long been a symbol of love, and some believe that the Druids used mistletoe as a cure-all or some stories claim that it could promote fertility.

The trunk of the Banana tree denotes good luck and prosperity and so it is used for decoration during religious festivals or ceremonies in Hindu culture. There is a traditional custom in Hindu religion to decorate the entrance of the marriage hall and the house of the bridegroom and bride with two banana trees. According to the belief, the tree symbolizes that the married life of the couple would be evergreen and the relationship and love between them would be endless. The couple would be showered with all the prosperity of the world and with children. According to the ancient scriptures of the Hindu religion, the tree is considered equivalent to ‘Devaguru or Brihaspati’.   Planting the tree at home is equivalent to having a Guru or Brihaspati at home. The banana tree is devoutly religious which symbolizes Lord Vishnu and it is   worshipped every Thursday to avail the benefits of the planet Jupiter.

 The evergreen fir tree has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years. Pagans used branches of it to decorate their homes during the winter solstice, as it made them think of the spring to come. The Romans used Fir Trees to decorate their temples at the festival of Saturnalia. Christians use it as a sign of everlasting life with God. Symbolic Artificial Christmas Trees really started becoming popular in the early 20th century while they criticize Hindus for symbolizing idol worship.  The Paradise Tree represented the Garden of Eden. In many countries, different trees are used as Christmas trees. In New Zealand a tree called the 'Pohutakawa' that has red flowers is sometimes used and in India, Banana or Mango trees are sometimes decorated.  Natural Fir tree with its triangular form and dazzling light at the top Symbolizes Trinity, Holy Son and Holy Father at the base and Holy Spirit as Universal Consciousness or Light as a single point on the top.

Though Hinduism is often ridiculed as a religion of myths and beliefs Christianity is not free from it. Here are two important myths related to   the   Xmas tree.

Once on a cold Christmas Eve night, a forester and his family were in their cottage gathered round the fire to keep warm. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. When the forester opened the door, he found a poor little boy standing on the door step, lost and alone. The forester welcomed him into his house and the family fed and washed him and put him to bed in the youngest sons own bed (he had to share with his brother that night!). The next morning, Christmas Morning, the family were woken up by a choir of angels, and the poor little boy had turned into Jesus, the Christ Child. The Christ Child went into the front garden of the cottage and broke a branch off a Fir tree and gave it to the family as a present to say thank you for looking after him. So ever since them, people have remembered that night by bringing a Christmas Tree into their homes!

When the children go to sleep on Christmas Eve a spider covers the tree in cobwebs. Then on Christmas morning the cobwebs are magically turned into silver and gold by Santa Claus who also brings gifts and place under the tree!


Ardram-jvalati jyotir-ahm-asmi | Jyotir-jwalati brahma-aham-asmi |
Yo-aham-asmi brahma-aham-asmi |aham-eva-aham maam juhomi svaahaa||

The self-effulgent waters are shining with brilliance. Fire is effulgent. I am that self-luminous. I am Brahman. I who am such a one (different from physical body and others) am having Brahman as my Self. Being of that form as I am, I offer myself as an oblation unto the Supreme Principle!

Na tatra sooryoe bhati na Chandra taarakam nemaa vidyutoe bhaanti kutoyam-agnih | Tameva bhaantam-anubhaati sarvam tasya bhaasaa sarvamidam vibhaati ||

There the Sun does not shine; neither the Moon nor the Stars; nor do the flashes of lightening shine. How (then) can the fire? All these shine because of the Supreme Principle, who is ever shining. With His light alone all these shine!

Divi soorya-sahasrasya bhaved yugapad-utthitaa |
Yadi bhaah sadrisee saa syaad bhaasaa tasya mahaatmanah ||

If the splendor of thousands of suns were to blaze forth all at once in the sky, even that would not resemble the splendor of that exalted being (Supreme Principle)!

Asato maa sadgamaya| Tamaso maa jyotir gamaya |Mrityor maa amritum gamaya || Om shatih! A shatih! santih!

Oh Brahman! Please lead us from Ignorance to Wisdom; from Darkness to Light; and, from Death to Immortality! May there be peace within; peace from external disturbances and peace by the unison with the supreme Spirit which passes all understandings!


  1. Ramanand Prasad, Bhagavadgeetaa, American Geetaa Society, California.
  2. Ananta Rangacharya, N. S., Principal Upanishads, Bangalore, India.
  3. Rabbi Mark Schiftan, Festival of Lights' Universal Appeal, The Tennessean, December 20, 2011.
  4. The Holy Bible.
  5. Ken Paulson, Birthday of American rights has never received its due, the Tennessean. December 15, 2011.
  6. Rev. James Cole, Let Our Better Angels' Guide Us This Christmas, The Tennessean, Sunday, December 25, 2011.


    Spectacular Festivals of Light from Around The World That Are As Beautiful As Diwali

     Festival of Lights - Lyon, France

    The festival takes place on December 8 every year, to express gratitude toward Mary, mother of Jesus. Much like Diwali, every house places candles outside windows. The festival usually lasts 4 days
    Aomori Nebuta Matsuri - Japan
    Held from August 2 to August 7 each year, this is a Japanese summer festival where colorful parades are held across Aomori (a Japanese city). Enormous floats depicting Japanese gods and mythological beings are paraded around and it's quite a visual spectacle. 
    Winter Illuminations Festival, Japan
    Taking place between late October,  all the way to March the next year, the festival is entirely dedicated to the region's flower showers. And they are recreated using thousands of LED lights.
    Las Fallas - Spain
    Taking place in Valencia, the festival gets its name from the Latin word 'fax' which means 'torch'. It basically includes setting a bunch of things on fire, and therefore it is no surprise that this is the hottest festival.
    Lantern festival - China
    Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the Lunar year, which falls anywhere between late February and March. The festival is a sight to see so many lanterns floating, making a constellation of their own.
    Chinese Lunar Year
    Preceding the Lantern festival on the 15th day of the Lunar calendar, the Chinese also celebrate their New Year with lights and lanterns.
    St Martin's Day - Netherlands
    Celebrated in Netherlands as their own version of Halloween, the festival takes place on November 
    Loi Krathong - Thailand
    The name of the festival literally translates to 'float a basket' which involves a beautifully decorated basket in a river. It falls on the 12th day of the Lunar Thai calendar, usually in November.
    Pingxi Lantern Festival - Taiwan
    Similar to China's Lantern Festival, the tourism department of Taiwan celebrates by floating Pingxi lanterns. They used to originally be used as a sign that the town is safe.
    Night of The Witches - Mexico
    The festival takes place in the Mexican town of Catemaco, where witches and healers descend to perform a mass cleansing ceremony to rid them of negative energies. It takes place on the first Friday of March.
    Keene Pumpkin Festival - New Hampshire, USA
    Taking place each year before Halloween, this pumpkin festival sees residents get together to meet or break the record for the highest number of jack-o-lanterns in the world.
    Bonfire Night - Lewes, England
    Celebrated on 4th or 5th November, the festival not only marks the night of Guy Fawkes but it also has many religious implications.
    Kwanza that start immediately after Christmas is  a week-long celebration that is celebrated in the United States, as well as other countries with populations of African descendants. It is a holiday which celebrates and honors African culture in not only the African-American community but also in the World African community. This holiday is celebrated from December 26th through January 1st. Kwanzaa is a holiday tradition that is based on the “first harvest” celebrations in Africa. In recorded history, these first harvest celebrations can be traced all the way back to Nubia and Egypt and can be found in cultures all over Africa.   People gather together to celebrate, acknowledging the creator and thanking him for his blessings.  Kwanzaa celebrations vary from family to family. Some families stick with strictly Kwanzaa related practices, while other families mix elements of Kwanzaa into their Christmas celebrations. However, most Kwanzaa celebrations are based on Nguzo Saba – or the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Tamils also celebrate harvest festival on January 14 called Pongal.
    The Seven Principles:
    • Umoja (Unity): Striving for and maintaining unity in the family and the community.
    • Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): Defining oneself and speaking for oneself
    • Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): Building and maintaining community and making our brother’s and sister’s problems our own and solve them together
    • Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): Building and maintaining our
    • businesses for ourselves and each other
    • Nia (Purpose): To build and develop our collective communities together
    • Kuumba (Creativity): To do whatever we can to leave our communities more beautiful than when we inherited them
    • Imani (Faith): To believe with our hearts in our people, our families and the righteousness of our struggle
    Kwanzaa celebrations usually include a special mat called a Mkeka in which all of the other symbols are placed. On this mate are placed a candle holder called a Kinara, of seven candles which are collectively called Mishumaa Saba, mazao (fruits, nuts and vegetables), a unity cup called Kikombe cha Umoja, an ear of corn called Vibunzi and Zawadi or gifts. 

    E-Mail sent to HR Participants in December 2019

    Dipavali--Kartik Purnima---Kartigai Deepam--Hanukha -- Christma--Kwanza-- Makara Jyothi--Jagajjyoti ( on Sivaratri)
    Row of Deepawali Lights reaching Maximum Intensity on Kartigai deepam end as dazzling divine light on Sivaratri Night.
    Hindu Americans celebrate Kartigai Deepam with a row of Lights on December 10 but continue to keep the Joy of Lights through X-Mas  and   and New Year and after,while Tamils carry it to Pongal and Kannadigas to Kamana Habba  joining North Indians  with  Holy bonfire ending unitedly bowing to Supreme  on Sivaratri!
    In the evening  Kartigai Deepam Festival, the Mahadeepam is seen on the top of the Annamalai Hill in Tamil Nadu at around six o’ clock employing 3500 Kg of melted butter this being a very important ceremony  at Tiruvannamalai.   Arunachaleswarar is said to be visually represented in the form of Agni on the hill top. There is a very mammoth gathering on this day at the Arunachaleswarar temple to witness this glorious and sacred event. The night ceremony starts with Lord Periya Nayagar going out procession on the Rishaba vahanam that is made of gold. This is another spectacular event at Arunachaleswar temple at Tiruvannamalai the abode of Ramana Maharshi. The wet ash is distributed as prasadma during Margazhi Bharani to anoint us to protect from all evil. 
    Temples of ancient India were definitely more than religious centers. I had discussed about their   socio-economic relevance before.  However, the subtle mechanism of an Indian temple to re-connect a common man with the five elements besides paying obeisance about which I talked about needs also focus on the fact of balance in our subtle and gross bodies that holds the secret of wellbeing- that has not been widely understood.
    It helps to perceive this subject better if we look at the five elements not only for their physical or gross qualitative aspects but also for their subtle and energetic characteristics. The balancing of the elemental frequencies happens at the ‘subtle’ (quantum realm) through resonance. Hence the qualitative aspects of ‘the five elements’ becomes more critical phenomenon than their quantitative effects.
    As we enter a temple complex, all five senses are systemically yet subtly engaged.  Most apparent manifestation of fire is through the flame or ‘jyoti’ that is swung around the deity and one takes its warmth/energy (with both hands) as the priest offers it to every one- and bring it to our face and head. In the evening, the light of ‘deepams’ or the ‘earthen-lamps’ enlightens the environment.
    During the winter months we need to build up sufficient heat energy within ourselves and the atmosphere. That thought perhaps is the reason why our ancients thought about row of lights. I still recall how my mother continued keeping Deepavali mud-lamps burning through the month of Karthik to complete the Elephant worship as Gajalakshmi for three days starting with Kartikai Deepam. I also talked about nine lamps kept burning for Navadurga perennially!  The religious fire activity continues in some form of other till Kaamadahana and Sivaratri as explained in my discourse ”Festival of Lights Ancient in Tradition, Universal in Appeal”.
    Spiritually thinking about Deepavali multi-lamps burning through the whole month of Kartik and ending in mighty single lamp as single mighty Siva deepam visualized as Annamalai Deepam (sought refuge by Ramana Maharshi) or even later as Makara Jyothi or column of fire on Sivaratri Night   take my thoughts to Divine Heights!
    The row of lights symbolize Jeevatmas burning through a long period yearning for liberation join the Universal Light on Sivaratri Night after dissolution of their physical bodies after so called death, a journey for Liberation, or even earlier on Vaikuntha Ekadasi Day (based on sectarian beliefs) when gates of Swarga are opened to at once visualize Universal Light which Gita explains as that Light which even thousands of Suns cannot match (divi surya sahasrasya- in Viswarupa)!
    Tasya bhasa sarvamidam vibhati- that Universal Light is the source of all other lights. Annamalai Deepam or Sivajyoti on Sivaratri takes into its fold all lights of Deepavali and Kartigai.  That is why we talk about Deepavali, a row of lights but talk only of Siva deepam or Vishnu deepam--A Single Jyoti of Siva and Vishnu, the Universal Light! Kartigai festival is also known for countless lamps burning in front of the temples and at homes symbolic of Jeevatmas praying to One Supreme Light!
    Millions of lights of Christmas and the three enlightened lights of sages that followed the Divine star all lead us to that the Manger in Bethlehem during Festival of Lights which in reality is the Prayer of Lights to the Light of all lights called Jesus. na tatra tarakam--even that divine star which the three wise men that included an Indian followed is no match to the Universal Light called Jehovah by Jews meaning That I Am,  that Moses visualized as Burning Fire in the bush.
     Incidentally as Hindu Americans  we are beautifully blending with major culture of USA celebrating Festival of Lights too  that starts after Halloween and often extended up to January 18 by Orthodox Christians. USA also has changed the name to Festival of Lights from Christmas Lighting unifying many faiths that I described under the theme--Festival of Lights, Ancient in Tradition, Universal in Appeal.  If American Christians can do it, we can do it too! Let us understand Karthik Purnima Celebrations with this background and decide on “Sanghacchadvam Samvadadvam samaanam akootih”--come together, pray together with common objectives as Vedas dictate.  May be this Vedic Mantra has inspired  Christianity too to come with Christmas Lighting inspired by ancient Ramarajya that started with lighting the whole city of Invincible Ayodhya (unconquerable) which is off limits  to all darkness that pervade us!
    Light. It’s a source of life. So it’s no wonder that it inspires so many of the world’s most celebrated festivals.

    From the simplest, most exquisite candlelight to large and inventive displays in every shape, size and color, light illuminates our festivals. And the festivals in turn bring light and joy at what’s often the darkest time of the year.

    Light doesn’t just add warmth and decoration. It has real symbolic meaning   and so is integral to many of the world’s religions and traditions.  Light lends real meaning to our festivals.
    Whatever our beliefs or faith, these festivals of light give us a good opportunity to pause for thought in our busy lives. They give us time to take stock and reflect on both our past and what the future might hold.

    Christians believe that Jesus is the light of the world and the birth of Jesus is celebrated at Christmas.  Another tradition in the UK is that many Anglican (Protestant) churches have Christingle (Christ light) services on Christmas Eve (24 December in the UK).
    A Christingle is a symbol of Christ's light given to children during the service. It consists of an orange with a candle pushed into its centre, a red ribbon around the outside, and sweets or dried fruits stuck into the orange with cocktail sticks. The orange symbolizes the world, the candle represents Jesus Christ (the light of the world), the red ribbon represents the blood of Jesus and the fruits represent the fruits of the earth.
    Santa Lucia is celebrated on 13 of December. in Scandinavian countries. She is deeply linked with the light, in some Countries she is the preserver of the light, and the night of her celebration (13 of December) is the longest one during the year.   Scandinavian people deeply feel the tradition of Santa Lucia and one interesting thing they do in order to celebrate this Santa is to wake up people in the house early in the morning. All the girls in the house wear a white dress and put on their head a wreath with candles( in the tradition there are 12 candles  one for each month), then they start singing a song about S. Lucia and go through all the room of the house waking up all the members with the song and the light of the candles.
    Buddhist community also use light in their religious festival. They make a big box with and attach   gas balloon with that box   to enable it to fly.  Then they put a candle inside the box. They lit the candle inside and let loose the    box to fly in the sky. The candle-light box fly in the sky and they watch it till it   disappear. The Buddhist community do it in memory of their ancestors. The festival is called "Buddha Purnima". They believe the souls   take refuge under the feet of Buddha in heaven. --Buddham saranam gacchaami! Purnima means full moon time. The festival occurs in the Purnima once in a year.
    The most ancient tradition of erecting and worshiping a banana tree at   the entrance as well as inside decorating the canopy where God is worshiped and  on  important ceremonies  like wedding that takes place  under canopy for  a wish should have inspired  Christians to erect  a tree during Festival of Lights   as a wish tree. Children eagerly look forward to get their most cherished gifts from under the Christmas tree that carries the Divine Star above.
    What about the gift under the tree as if coming from the star and the tree? This again is a concept got from ancient Hinduism.
    Kalpavriksha also known as kalpataru, kalpadruma or kalpapādapa, is a wish-fulfilling divine tree in ancient Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.
     Kalpavriksha is also identified with many trees such as Partijata (Erythrina variegata), Acacia, Ficus benghalensis,  Madhuca longifolia, Prosopis cineraria, Bassia butyracea, and  Mulberry tree (Morus nigra tree).  Nobody is really sure when Fir trees were first used as Christmas trees. It probably began about 1000 years ago in Northern Europe.  It is reasonable to believe Xmas tree also joined this family of wish-fulfilling trees!

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