Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Global Crisis has Crashed Our Lives; How We Respond to Preventive and Curative Measures Will Change the World

Global Crisis has Crashed Our Lives; How We Respond to Preventive and Curative Measures Will Change the World

[Compilation from the Various E mails sent to HR Forum & News   Extracts from Guardian by N.R. SrInivasan, Nasahville, TN, USA, May 2020]

We have experienced in the past the global 9/11 threat and its aftermath, then the financial crisis and now we are faced with a global crisis of Corona Virus Pandemonium. These past crises tell us that we have to come to terms with instability, uncertainty, unrest and fear that makes us think about learning how to live within them.

While whole of Indonesia except Bali joined the global crisis, Bali the sacred land of Hindus remained least threatened that with social distancing from rest of the country and world travelers that needed tightening their belts around the waist during the crisis.  It is because Bali Hindu Citizens are disciplined, live  with nature with healthy habits and pray  to the Supreme. Material wealth is not in the divine plan and so they are economically shattered which would be easy to handle on reopening. May be it is a blessing in disguise that may result in   mad rush to visit the sacred land of mystery attracting tourists from all parts of the world. Here is a lesson as to how to live within the crisis.
Human Abuse of Nature
Hindu prayers have always focused on Human Abuse of Mother Earth and Nature: “Oh Mother Earth! O Devi, You Who have the Ocean as your garments, and mountains as your Bosom,  O Consort of Lord Vishnu, Salutations to You; Please forgive my trampling  of the feet on Earth, which is your Holy Body.”--(samudra vasane Devi….) This prayer is to apologize for the greed with which we have been exploiting Mother Earth   of the her rich resources, forestation, fossil fuels etc.
“New diseases are being created because a globalized, industrialized, inefficient food and agriculture model is invading the ecological habitat of other species and manipulating animals and plants with no respect for their integrity and their health. The illusion of the Earth and her beings as raw material to be exploited for profits is creating one world connected through disease.
The health emergency that the Corona virus is waking us up is connected to the emergency of extinction and disappearance of species, and it is connected to the climate emergency. All these emergencies are rooted in a mechanistic, militaristic, anthropocentric world view of humans as separate from, and superior to other beings who we can own, manipulate and control. It is also rooted in an economic model based on the illusion of limitless growth and limitless greed that systematically violates planetary boundaries and ecosystem and species integrity.
As forests are destroyed, as our farms become industrial mono-cultures to produce toxic, nutritionally empty commodities, and our diets become degraded through industrial processing with synthetic chemicals and genetic engineering in labs, we get connected through disease — instead of being connected through biodiversity within, and outside us, through a continuum of health through and in biodiversity.
The environmental changes wrought by the coronavirus were first visible from space. Then, as the disease and the lockdown spread, they could be sensed in the sky above our heads, the air in our lungs and even the ground beneath our feet. The human toll mounted horrendously from a single case in Wuhan to a global pandemic that has so far killed more than 88,000 people, nature, it seemed, was increasingly able to breathe more easily” say the Eco experts.
Nature has been laughing at us as the pandemonium started. Corona virus says Nature is in control Humans and Humans are not in control of Nature. But the temporary environmental gains are likely to be reversed soon and man has not learnt his lesson even after the crisis ends.  China provides some indication of what can be expected. With no new cases in Wuhan, the lockdown is being eased and energy use and air pollution have been rising since the end of March and the exploitation of Mother Earth recklessly continues. Rich, industrialized nations are seeing a temporary recovery of nature because there is so little of it in the first place. Poorer countries, on the other hand, especially in the southern hemisphere, fear an increased threat to wildlife because the pandemic means they have less money and personnel with which to conserve endangered species and habitats.
“In the short term it would be dangerous to think that a downturn in economic activity is a benefit to nature,” said Matt Walpole of Fauna and Flora International. “There are significant risks.” UN leaders, scientists and activists are pushing for an urgent public debate so that recovery can focus on green jobs and clean energy, building efficiency, natural infrastructure and a strengthening of the global commons.
The pandemic has demonstrated the deadly consequences of ignoring expert warnings, of political delay, and of sacrificing human health and natural landscapes for the economy. Of new infectious diseases, 75 percent come from animals, according to the United Nations Environment Program. Compared with the past, they pass more rapidly to humans through wildlife trafficking and deforestation and then spread across the globe through air travel and cruise-ship tourism. China – the world’s biggest market for wild animals—appears to have recognized this by banning the farming and consumption of live wildlife. There are growing calls for a global ban on “wet markets”.
The pandemic has also shown that pollution lowers our resistance to disease. More exposure to traffic fumes means weaker lungs and greater risk of dying from Covid-19, according to scientists at Harvard University. As the UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen, put it, nature is sending us a message that if we neglect the planet, we put our own wellbeing at risk.
These 100 days have changed the way we think about change. Ultimately, whether this pandemic is good or bad for the environment depends not on the virus, but on humanity. If there is no political pressure on governments, the world will go back to unsustainable business as usual rather than emerge with a healthier sense of what is normal.
For the French philosopher Bruno Latour, one thing we have learned is that it is possible in a matter of weeks to slow the economy, which until now had been considered inconceivable due to the pressures of globalization.
This makes ecological calls to move off a path of endless resource consumption more realistic, maybe even more desirable. But La-tour warns that this unforeseen pause could easily allow powerful interests to seize more control ahead of the bigger battles looming over the climate and biodiversity.” --Extracts from Guardian News.
Evolutionary Insights into the Ecology of Coronaviruses
Many novel members of the Corona viridians have recently been recognized in different species.   Bats harbor a much wider diversity of Corona viruses than any other animal species. Dating of different coronavirus lineages suggests that bat coronaviruses are older than those recognized in other animals and that the human severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Corona virus was directly derived from viruses from wild animals in wet markets of Southern China.  Corona viruses in bats have a stable population size, while in other animals there is epidemic-like population growth. All of these attributes consolidate the concept that bats are the natural reservoir of all currently known Corona virus. An understanding of the ecology and evolution of Corona viruses will provide crucial information to identify viruses with epidemic potential.
Llama another species in nature with enormous resource of antibody is another animal to study and learn our lessons to cure viral diseases. You may recall here my discourse how Dattatreya, the Avadutha gained wisdom and propagated it to the mankind studying Nature!

Hindu Religious & Spiritual Thoughts, EQ and SQ Management

Our spiritual leaders talk about importance of EQ and SQ Management during pandemics. Philosophically thinking on EQ (Emotional quotient) & SQ (Spiritual Quotient) Management of Corona Virus here are my thoughts:

The immune system of our body in Intelligence Plan keeps fighting disease causing germs and bacteria, but in rare cases, the immune system might malfunction (due to our Karma) and fight its own body causing different disorders. When the immune system of the body reacts against the tissues of its own body, it is called an autoimmune disorder. To put it more dramatically, the body becomes its own enemy. (This we learn from Puranas also as in the case of Ravana and others) These disorders may be caused due to genetic issues or due to mutations. According to Ayurveda autoimmune disorders are a result of constant unhealthy lifestyle and diet. Ayurveda works at the root cause of the disease where it starts treating the malfunctioning immune Antibody system.  Keeping feet, hands and mouth clean umpteen times social distancing during worship, Mounavrata  (silencing ritual) and  social distancing during birth, death rituals and Menstruation are typical Hindu diciplinedp ritualistic codes of practice  from time immemorial.
Research suggests that up to 25% of those who become infected with Corona virus may not show symptoms thus showing the limitations of Corona virus testing! Viruses can also be removed from the body by antibodies before they get the chance to infect a cell. Antibodies are proteins that specifically recognize invading pathogens and bind (stick) to them. So Yajna prayers should focus on   increasing the power of antibodies within us and also stop their malfunctioning due to karma (genetic issues) or arrogant life-style that needs atonement (unhealthy lifestyle and diet) besides Roga-nivarana (that calls for all time thinking of being victims of Shulini Durga with her fearful form).  Probably Antibody testing may be 100% true. Their 100% functioning should also be ensured looking inwards. Therefore our focus on Antibodies may yield better results  pleaded in our Yajna and prayers as reminders..   Self is not Body. Therefore it may be the ruler of all Antibodies within us. Whether one is spiritual or not it calls for all to turn inside the body and study all antibodies for full and constant function rather than outside symptoms, forms and outward show.

Even Self is not free from Viruses and Antibodies that in spiritual terms calls for inner cleansing--Antahkaran  a suddhi! Only Self of all Selfs with Amritakalasa on one hand and Leach on the other with Sankha and Chakra is neither bothered by viruses nor needs Antibodies.   With boosting sound waves of Shankha our Antibodies are boosted while burning power of Chakra (flames of Yajna Purusha)  can burn all our  cruel viruses!  Leach leeches out all toxins while Amrita is the Elixir for our lives!  !

Silent Spreader Corona Virus
It is Possible to be infected with Corona virus and show no symptoms a divine mystery or go through a period of several days before symptoms kick min.  And even in this stage with no cough, no fever, no sign of illness we could be transmitting the virus to others all that could be dismissed with Karma Theory.
Silent spreaders can be divided into three categories: asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic and very mildly symptomatic. Here is what we know about these variations.
-- In Asymptomatic, they have positive test and they continue to spread the disease, but they do not develop symptoms. This a small number and according to WHO only 25% do not develop symptoms and do not show signs.
-- Presymptomatic. After infection, symptoms might not develop for five to six days — or even two weeks. At the end of this period they do develop symptoms. The time between catching the virus and eventually develop symptoms is called the presymptomatic phase. So far, presymptomatic is a much more common category than asymptomatic. About 75% of people who test positive are seen in this group. ----Mildly symptomatic. They feel little unwell, mild cough, low grade fever and recover in few days. Very few if any get tested for the virus. But people who continue to frequent communal and public places with a light cough or mild fever may unwittingly spread the disease in the early days of symptom onset. Even when a person's own symptoms remain mild, others they infect can become extremely sick.

I believe Homa is a hot therapy-- toxic curative smoke therapy. May be our priests are able to develop and stimulate antibodies if they practice Agnihotra, exposure to sonic boosting by the effect of mantra, and improve EQ (emotional quotient) and SQ (spiritual quotient). This novel Corona virus infection is probably not yet widespread among the general population in the US and India, which is just in the beginning of a large epidemic. Only Antibody testing of our Agnihotra,   Pranayama and Yoga practicing priests and Spiritual Gurus can reveal the truth.  Only our philanthropic psychiatrists can confirm for I am only speculating. Antibody testing of the general public, could also help them safe to return to work as they will not be exposed to infection.

What we don’t know yet
How many people are mingling in the population without knowing they have been infected with the coronavirus? It is simply too soon to say. Aboard the Diamond Princess Cruise ship showed that up to 50% of the people who tested positive did not have symptoms at the time of testing! Out of this group an estimated 18% remained asymptomatic during the follow up.

Are asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases responsible for a lot of transmission? As of today, we do not have a final answer. Chinese study showed that this group was responsible for 79% of transmission. Other group from Singapore stated they account to 6% to 13% of population.

According to recent studies, some authors are stating the asymptomatic group is more infectious and are responsible for widespread transmission than symptomatic. When antibody testing is widely done, we may be able to get final answer.  There is no simple answer and we must consider several other factors, like the population these asymptomatic people mingle with. Some may be elderly; some may have several co-morbidities like diabetes, heart problems and thus the transmission is much higher. Also several subsets of these viruses, some more virulent than the others. Also, severity may depend on the total dose (volume) of the virus one is exposed and as to how many recurrent exposures they have faced. All these may affect the outcomes.

Thus, as advised by several specialists using Face Mask, practicing Social Distancing and frequent Hand Washing (FDW) for all people seems a better choice to control spread of this disease.

Upcoming new treatment with convalescent serum is rapidly becoming popular. Presently this serum is acquired from patients recovered from this disease, most are weak for several weeks and even months and thus very few come forward to donate this serum. However, if mass antibody testing of “Asymptomatic Careers”, (most are fairly healthy) is done we will have a large pool of donors.

 The psychological suffering the Corona virus pandemic causes may be as difficult as the physical suffering. The economic fallout from the lock-down pushing the world to the brink of a financial depression is a matter of great concern for everyone. When I came to this world I did not bring a single cent with me and when I leave I can’t take a cent even with me. Why then worry with this illusory wealth or economy? 
Fear is the first emotion that arises from ignorance of our true nature that gets us caught in duality, conflict, uncertainty and suspicion. Fear paralyzes us, makes us doubt anything we can do to improve our situation, or worry about anything negative that may possibly happen. ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself’ as Roosevelt said. There is no challenge we cannot overcome with a higher awareness, but fear can prevent us from doing so if we linger in its shadows. Yoga and Ayurveda provide many tools to bring peace and clarity to our psyche. Overall we must learn to keep our minds free from outside disturbances, which the media constantly throws at us, provoking fear and panic, or just distracting us with fantasy and entertainment.- Don’t be guided by outside agencies but be guided by your Inner- Self--Om ityaatmaanam yunjeeta  (From the wisdom thoughts of David Frawley)
When the coronavirus lockdowns began almost two months ago, the outdoors seemed like a scary place to fear.  It was where you could get infected by a   neighbor, jogger, public bench, doorknob or any number of other things. As more virus research has emerged, however, the outdoors has begun to look safer. It still brings risks (like those doorknobs). But they are fairly small. People have started to go stir crazy. This combination is leading to a surge of new expert advice that might be boiled down to: Get out. Marty Makaria of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health says:  “The outdoors is not only good for your mental state. It’s also a safer place than indoors.”  Many cities are now expanding outdoor activities. Several states are reopening beaches, parks and golf courses. Our network information on various factors behind our fears is complex and confusing.  Only thing sure is that fear and insecurity is our constant companion in life as the dark shadow that follows us which can be overcome only by turning to our Inneer-net: Vijnaanena aatmaanam vedayati; aatmanaa vindate veeryam”   as Bhartrihari says.
Today all our thought, acts and communications hover around Corona virus. Slowly and steadily Swami Chidananda is drawing our focus towards our Inner-net moving away from Internet in this Quarantine Season.  Swami Chidananda draws our attention to sloka 31 of Vairagya Sataka that I have quoted below with full meaning. Our Sages raised their voices to the Supreme bogged down by fear of death   “Mrityor maa amritam gamaya”--lead us from death to immortality that gave birth to Upanishadic thoughts.  Bharthrihari being a learned scholar of Upanishads came out with  100 gem of verses called Vairagya Satakam asking  us to tie our mind with Love of Brahman overcoming not only all kinds of fear in life  but also  overcome the fear of crossing the ocean of cycles of births and deaths (samsara). Sloka 31 to 40 deal with Bhogasthairya varnanam-- delineation of evanescence of enjoyment. Swami Chidananda will be discussing in detail the message of Vairagya Satakakm  that promotes Sanyasayoga with clarity of mind  that again says:
“veeta bhayah  visharogabhayamyudhyasva  vigatajvarah  brahmanie prthisahthitam --Desisting your mind from fear fight the Corona virus  without anxiety establishing your mind on the Supreme Being!

Bhoge rogabhayam kule chyutibhayam vitte nripaladbhayam |
Mane dainyabhyam bale ripubhayam roope jarayaa bhayam ||
Sastre vaadabhayam gune khalabhayam kaaye kritantaadbhayam |
sarvam vastu bhayaanvitam bhuvi nrinaam vairaagyamevaaabhayam ||

There is fear of disease in the enjoyment of sensual pleasures; in lineage, fear of decline; in riches, fear of kings; fear of humiliation in honor; fear of enemies when in power; fear of old age in beauty; in learning, fear of disputants; in virtue, fear of the wicked; in body, fear of death. All facets of man's life on earth engender fear; renunciation alone is fearless.

Here is my apprehension of the message of  Vairagya Suktam which Saivites say helps to attain “Sivalokam apnoti” and Vaishnavites say ”tadvishnoh paramampadam”  while overcoming all  insecurity in this life.

Birth is attacked by death, and bright youth by old age; contentment by greed for wealth; peace of mind by seductive women; virtues by the envy of others; forests by beasts of prey; kings by the unscrupulous; and even fame by transistorizes. Is there anything on earth that is not afflicted by something?
Hundreds of varieties of illness root out health of people. Adversities find an open door wherever Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth, is present. Whatever is born, Death is sure to make it powerless and absorb it into itself, again and again! Then what has the Creator made that can be regarded as stable?
Sensual pleasures are transient like the breaking of high waves. Life can end in a moment. Youthful cheerfulness in infatuation lasts only a few days. Wise teachers, having realized that the whole revolving wheel of life is lacking in true worth, strive to achieve equanimity for the benefit of the people.  Sensual pleasures are as fickle as the flash of lightning in the clouds. Life can collapse as easily as the drop of water on the edge of a lotus leaf swayed by the wind. Fickle are the longings in youth. Quickly realizing this, let the wise ones engage their minds in equanimity, attained easily by courage.
 Life undulates like a wave. Youthful beauty lasts a few days. Riches are as short-lived as thoughts. The successive enjoyments are like autumnal lightning flashes. The beloved's embrace round the neck lasts only a moment. Lovingly tie your mind to Brahman to overcome the fear of crossing the ocean of cycles of births and deaths.
 urandara Dasa Bhakti lyric says “Eesa beku! Iddu Jayisabeku”- we have to swim and succeed. In the present context I would take “eesa” as Isa--We need the Supreme to lead a successful life who is is also hailed as Captain of Bhavasagar Ship!

A Problem with a Hundred Faces
Insecurity – biological or psychological – has myriad forms and often goes unrecognized for years. Even when we recognize our insecurity, we are often not clear of its hidden causes. Even when we identify certain causes, the network of various factors behind our fears proves to be complex. With its spread going both vertical and horizontal, insecurity is life’s companion from the cradle to the grave. “Everything on this earth engenders fear,” observed Rājā Bhartrihari, the famous author of Vairāgya-Shatakam (a hundred verses on dispassion). This webinar will examine the operation of the sense of insecurity in its gross, subtle and very subtle expressions. It will finally bring the light of Vedānta upon the contentious issue. 
bhoge roga-bhayam, ..roope jarāyā bhayam, .. vitte nripālād bhayam.. |
sarvam vastu bhyānvitam bhuvi | vairāgyam-eva-abhayam |

“Fear of possible disease when you enjoy,Fear of old age when you admire your own looks, Fear of taxes when you are getting rich,… fear marks everything in life! Only detachment brings relief
-- Vairāgya-Shatakam, verse 31


To keep ourselves Sane & Safe in these times of Adversity, please lend your ears & hearts to the divine elixir of Krishna’s teachings to be delivered by Swami Chidanandji which will steer all of us through the present crisis of Corona Virus epidemic.  Please recall his message in Gita and Mukundamala, but most importantly go by the timely advice of a renowned doctor Padmashri K. K.Agarwal which is a divine message delivered through a spiritually inspired astonishing  healer,   psychiatrist, philosopher and guide.

“Like millions of others, I have long been guided and inspired by the Bhagavad Gita. And it has never been more relevant or more useful than it is now, in these tense, bewildering, uncertain times.   You see why Emerson and Thoreau sang the Gita’s praises; why Gandhi tried to live by it; why world-class scientists, scholars, and secular leaders cite its influence and are continuing to do so even during the present pandemonium . Whether you see the Gita as a sacred text, a psychological treatise, a philosophical discourse, a self-help book, or a handbook on Yoga, you’ll find that it is, above all, a guide to living a fulfilled life writes Phil Goldberg, author of American Veda.
Aham kratur aham yajnahsvadhaham aham ausadham|
amantro 'ham aham evajyam aham agnir aham hutam  || BG 9-16 ||

But it is I who am the ritual, I the sacrifice, the offering to the ancestors, the healing herb, and the transcendental chant. I am the butter and the fire and the offering.

[Krishna says he is Dhanvntari who is invoked in the Yajna, who emerged out with Leech and amritakalsa from Ksaheerasagara, that is performed with devotion. The oblations offered to the Pitrloka or the sacrifice performed to please the Pitrloka, is considered as a kind of drug in the form of clarified butter, is also Krishna.  We have discussed at length the therapeutic value of smokes that arise out of Vedic Yajna as well as psychological healing power of the mantra. Krishna alone is responsible for the medicinal values of fagots from herbal plants that He created and the psychological healing power of the mantras]

idam sariram parinama-pesalam pataty avasyam sata-sandhi-jarjaram kim aushadham pricchasi mudha durmate niramayam krishna-rasayanam piba 
                    (Mukunda Mala Stotra - 37)

This body's beauty is fleeting, and at last the body must succumb to death after its hundreds of joints have stiffened with old age.  So why, bewildered fool, are you asking for medication? Just take the Krishna elixir, the one cure that never fails.

Krishna the Great Healer and Teacher
(Dr. K.K. Agarwal)
Lord Krishna was a great teacher of knowledge as well as healer. He gave perfect counseling to Arjuna when he was in the state of acute anxiety, confusion and indecisiveness or in other words in a state of despondence. His supreme knowledge, skills and understanding of human relationship were responsible for convincing Arjuna that he has to perform his duty, regardless of who his opponents are.

There are seven basic principles which one must learn from teachings of Bhagavad Gita to get, if one wants, to the right state of mental and physical strength. These are also the principles used in learning the art of any counseling. These teach us the qualities of a good teacher and a good student.
The first principle is "listen, listen and listen". In the first chapter of Bhagavad Gita from shlokas 20 to 46, Krishna only listens to Arjuna.  Appelying the same, the medical professionals must also learn to listen to patients if they want to heal them. Out of 18 counseling sessions which Krishna took with Arjuna, one full session was devoted only to listening to Arjuna. The Krishna did not speak even a word in the first Chapter. Fifty percent of the emotion of a person is out once he has spoken to the Healer about his or her problems.
The second principle is to describe everything in great detail. Chapter two is one of the largest counseling sessions between Arjuna and Krishna where Krishna discusses in great detail about all aspects of life.
The third principle is to remain non-judgmental while listening. This is beautifully described in Chapter 2 shloka 10. While listening, Krishna did not show any signs of anger to Arjuna even at that extremely difficult moment. On the contrary, Krishna kept on smiling and listened patiently. This is another avenue where most of the healthcare workers fail in their relationship with the patients. We (doctors) sometimes become annoyed with the patients because they narrate unrelated details of their health problems. We need to understand and appreciate their predicaments.
again in chapter 3 first few shlokas Krishna remains smiling when Arjuna asks him to explain in great details again as he (Arjuna) got confused after listening to him (Krishna) in chapter 2.

The fourth principle is that every answer should be validated by reasoning. Throughout next 17 Chapters or 18 counseling sessions between Arjuna and Krishna incorporating 700 question and answers, Arjuna was given proper reasoning, either experiential or based on sound logic. Krishna never forced Arjuna to believe in what He was saying without getting convinced about it.
The fifth principle is that of fear on one side and repeated reassurance on the other side. Krishna creates fear by his Virata Swaroopa (magnified form) on one side but simultaneously re-assures Arjuna on multiple occasions. Firstly, when he said that "I'll appear whenever there is adharma" meaning thereby that whenever there is injustice someone will come and set it right. In terms of a Healer the doctor should convincingly say that wherever there is a complication I will be there". Again in Chapter 18 shloka 65, Krishna says that anyone who takes conscious decision and interprets things with full devotion, there is no reason why he or she should not become happy or healthy. He again assures Arjuna that he is going to be successful. Both creating some fear and reassuring a person are necessary in life. For example if a patient is under treatment the doctors must create fear of not taking medicines regularly and simultaneously reassure not to worry if any complications occur.
The sixth principle is to summarize whatever one has taught. This is what Krishna Does in the 18th Chapter which is the longest counseling session between Krishna and Arjuna.
In last and the seventh principle Krishna in last shloka of Gita (18.78) summarizes the importance of a good doctor-patient (teacher-student) relationship where Sanjay says to Dhriharashtra that when there is a Healer like Krishna and a patient like Arjuna, there is no reason why there will not be a victory.
Bhagavad Gita therefore was the first text book of counseling with Krishna the first counselor in the history. The principles of cognitive behavior therapy as taught today are based on the teachings of Bhagavad Gita only.
To summarize the principle of counseling are to listen-listen and listen; being nonjudgmental while listening; longest first counseling session; reasoning based subsequent counseling sessions; introducing some fear and repeated reassurances and detailed revision in the last counseling session.
[About the author: Dr K K Aggarwal is Padmashri and Dr B C Roy National Awardee, President Heart Care Foundation of India, Dean Board of Medical Education Moolchand Medcity, Sr. Physician & Cardiologist, Chairman Ethics Committee Delhi Medical Council, Visiting professor Clinical Research DIPSAR, Past President Delhi Medical Association and Past Academic and Research Wing Heads IMA.]

Coronavirus Copper Face Mask Highly Effective – Inspired by Ancient Hindu Knowledge – Next Big Business  
Hindus have been using copper from Vedic times.   Drinking water in copper vessel is common in Hindu families. It is considered healthy and is believed to improve immunity and blood circulation. Hindus also wear copper ornaments as a sort of protection against diseases. It was well known in ancient India that copper can destroy harmful bacteria and viruses.
As there seems to be no cure against Corona virus, companies have now started looking for best defense. Copper masks are slowly finding market across United States and Europe. Copper infused fabric was invented by Virginia based Cupron around 10 years ago. It is now being used to make masks. 

Historically, copper has been used in hospital door knobs and IV stands to curb the spread of illness. It has also been used in fabric.   These fabrics have been made into bed-sheets and pillowcases in hospitals. Microbiologist Phyllis Kuhn developed a copper mask. Now, as Corona virus has swept across the planet and forced more people to wear masks, more companies are thinking about incorporating copper into masks because the copper in them kills germs. One way the virus spreads even by medical practitioners is by touching the   surfaces—like a doorknob—then touching their mask to adjust it. In this situation, the copper in the mask would kill these viruses, whereas they would linger on a traditional cloth mask, potentially contaminating the wearer. “The outside of a mask can pick up the virus,” Cupron says. “You can pick it up with your fingers, rub your eye, pick your nose, lick your finger, and voila, you’re contaminated.” The best copper masks would have copper incorporated into every fiber, rather than just on one single layer embedded inside the mask. One benefit of copper masks is that many are washable without reducing their efficacy.    Copper mesh masks are selling between $10 and $70. It will soon be next big business!
Japan has already started production of copper face masks. The sheet developed by the innovators in Gunman Prefecture, Eastern Japan, has a visible light-responsive photo-catalyst applied to its copper surface. Whenever the sheet is exposed to light, it activates substances with high oxidizing power that break down virus particles and bacteria. An experiment using E. coli found that a copper fiber sheet is 1,000 times more effective in fighting bacteria than copper alone is.

Always remember Sanatana Dharma (ancient Hinduism) should never be thought in terms of Abraham Religions.  Ours is a culture, a way of life, and our ancient seers did not preach religion, they taught us to live in harmony with nature. They were scientists who looked deep into the universe and nature. They never encouraged or taught to exploit nature. All our symbols, puja equipment, Yajnas are all meant for beneficial for all the living beings. In the Indian-origin religions, the copper lota has sacred usage, such as in yagna ritual during puja prayers, weddings and other sacred ceremonies. According  Ayurveda, drinking water stored in the copper lota has health and nutritional benefits. Copper can destroy undesirable virus and bacteria. Copper vessel can be the answer to kill the E-Coli bacteria which causes food poisoning. Copper ions kill the harmful bacteria not found in any other material.  South-Hampton University found copper vessel at room temperature can kill coli 157 bacteria in just 4 hours.

Copper is known for synthesizing phospholipids which helps in formation of nerve coatings. It is an antioxidant and anti-carcinogen which slows down aging, prevents cell damage and helps cancer treatment. Copper positively charged water regulates thyroid gland functioning. Copper wire helps maintain pH balance in body. Internal wounds, ulcers, piles, skin diseases, respiratory disorders, rheumatism etc., can be cured with copper water. Copper helps production of melanin in the body that prevents leukoderma, sun burn, premature graying of hair, freckles etc.

Now you understand the popularity of Copper Kalasa, Kamandalu,Uddharani, yanchapatra waters, Yantra talisman, Tamrapatra and others so popular in Hindu rituals and worship as well as the mystic Teertha prasada and Kamandalu water delivered by Sadhus and priests.  

Do you know Chile’s largest theme park has replaced its most-touched surfaces with copper? Copper was and still is an important component of the Ayurvedic system of medicine in India. But why? Because copper and its alloys exhibit impressive antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties.

When a microbe lands on copper, its ions blast the pathogen like an onslaught of missiles. Holes are punched in the viral coating, creating free radicals that kill the microbe. According to a study of The New England Journal of Medicine, more than half of viruses die within one hour on the copper surface. After four hours, the amount drops to a non-traceable level. Another study in The Journal of Hazardous Materials found copper reducing the infection ability of influenza and other viruses. The bottom line is - Copper is highly effective against viruses yet why it is not used much in our daily life ? May be it is expensive and difficult to maintain without getting tarnished? Herec we have a lesson to learn from our Sanyasis, priests and natives of Rajkot in India.
What Prompts So Many from Faiths Other Than Hinduism Participate in Visharoganivarana Yajna
There is a sudden awakening among Hindus to conduct Vishajwara Roga Nivarana Yajna in temples and may be at home also.    I have not seen any thought given to it about the scientific studies made while Yajnas are conducted so far and more that needs to be done! Otherwise in the process we may be emitting more toxic gases with their negative effects.  I was wondering what divine magic keeps our priests performing fire sacrifices healthy to continue their work and whether it is necessary to keep the devotees away from direct participation in Yajnas! Please go through the scientific studies that I circulated and decide yourself. Most importantly it is important to recognize that smokes from Yajna ritual   could have positive impact on atmosphere where Yajnas are conducted properly.  Other religions who use candle for worship may use effective medicated candles for burning if they do not like Yajna. Temples should keep the locale safe with fumigation and disinfection with Yajna smokes and priests must practice Agnihotra in Ushakala to keep them safe. Remember there are no short cuts to Scientific Vedic Rituals!
Yajna can be considered as a complimentary medicine that removes the energy blocks in the meridians/nadis.   The ultimate purpose of practicing Agnihotra Yajna is to realize “LIFE”, which means “Letting Incessant Flow of Energy” through our body–mind system as any blockage in this flow would cause disharmony and chaos in the system, thus leading to poor health. Scientists say Ancient Fire Ritual has Positive Impact on Environment. Therapeutic smoke therapy thereby in modern times has its origin in Athirathram and Agnihotra! Microbial analysis made before, during and four days after the Yajna revealed that the air in the vicinity of the Yajnasala was pure and had very low count of microbe colonies. The research  reveals microbial activities in the soil and water around the Yajnasala were remarkably less compared to normal ground. The “Athirathram” ritual which literally means “building up of the fireplace and performed overnight” and usually held to propagate universal peace and harmony.  

At the same time our philanthropic scientists should device means to absorb excessive toxic gases also arising from Yajna and letting only to the atmosphere de-toxic  emissions if excessive attempts are made to conduct Yajnas and if we have not taken care to keep the temple surroundings green and clean avoiding pollution in modern times as suggested for Abhishekam discharges. We have to learn from Intelligence Creation the Eco balance techniques that created Halahala, Amrita, Virus, Antibodies, toxic gases and healing smokes from yajna all at once and yet kept Universal tranquility in ancient times. We have to learn a lot from bat that is resistant to viruses and yet store house of viruses.

Native and tribal peoples today remain closely connected to the sacred fire. They perform regular rituals to honor the sacred link with the universe that fire represents, much like the ancients once did all over the world. They sustain the bond of the sacred fire in an age that has forgotten the luminous origins of life. Kiva Sweat Lodge is part of Native American practice, especially Shamanic Healing, for centuries; this Sauna experience includes traditional Song, Steam Bath and Shamanic Teachings. An opportunity for deep personal work and prayer or silence in union with the lodge as sweating provides detoxification on deep levels, releasing metallic neutron-toxins. Such rituals are called Yajna in Vedic tradition.
 The Rig Veda explains this inner fire or Agni as the principle of light in nature and in our own souls:
“Thou, oh Fire, shining forth throughout the days, from the waters, from the stones, from the forests and from the herbs, thou oh Lord of souls are ever born pure!
Oh Fire, whom the waters, the mountains and the forests carry as the child of truth, you are enkindled with force by men on the summit of the Earth. You have filled with your radiance both the worlds and stream with smoke in Heaven.”
A related ancient text, the Atharva Veda, states the all-pervasiveness of the Divine fire principle in its Hymn to the Earth: “There is a Divine fire in the Earth and in the plants. The Waters carry the fire and the same fire dwells in the rocks. There is a fire within human beings, within the cows and the horses are sacred fires. The Divine fire shines from heaven as the Sun. The Divine fire extends the wide atmosphere through the wind. Mortals enkindle the Fire that carries their prayers, which loves clarity”
Such statements became the foundation of the Hindu religion, what is called ‘Sanatana Dharma’, the eternal dharma or eternal tradition of truth. Out of it came Buddhist, Jain and Sikh traditions that similarly reflect a vision of enlightenment as the supreme goal of life.
 The ancient Persians, living as Parsis in India and elsewhere   still speak a   language and practice religion close to the Vedic worship fire like their ancestors who built fire temples on their mountaintops and echoed similar thoughts in their most ancient scripture, the Zend Avesta:
“We worship the Fire, the son of God, the holy lord of the ritual order. And we worship all the Fires and the mountain that holds the light. And we worship every holy celestial spirit and every holy earthly spirit.”
The Bible refers to the many fire offerings given to the Lord at the great temple in Jerusalem that was the center of Jewish religious life. Moses received the Ten Commandments from God who spoke to him in the form of a burning bush-clearly another symbol of the cosmic fire that has always been God’s main vehicle of expression. 
Native Americans have their sweat lodges at Kiva  based on the sacred fire around which they perform regular chants and rituals. The Mayas and Incas had their great ceremonial fires in their many temples and pyramids. The Cherokees, a great and ancient tribe, speak of the earthen mound (hill or mountain) where the Great Spirit gave them their first fire, establishing them as a people.
But India, with its vibrant spiritual culture, its armies of ragged pilgrims and its remarkable Vedas raises the possibility that the real origins of civilization could be very different – not driven by economics but by the spiritual quest that all true ascetics of India still pursue with the utmost dedication!
Hancock’s idea echoes the insights of Sri Yukteswar, the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, one of the great teachers who brought Yoga to the West in the twentieth century. According to Yukteswar, Vedic India and humanity as a whole, reached its highest level of civilization before 6700 BC, by following the science of Yoga.
 It is crucial today that we restore this older natural form of spirituality that is not mere nature worship but using nature as an experiential path to the transcendent seeing how   traditional systems of Yajna, Yoga and Ayurveda can help us do this"--Message from David Frawley.

Atmana vindate veeryam--one gets strength turning to his Inner-net
At this time, as most people are focused on or distracted by the ongoing and constantly updated news of the worldwide pandemic, many are very concerned and unsettled as their governments require them to stay home, or stay isolated, while the Corona virus flows across the world bringing sickness and further anxiety to many.  It will pass, as epidemics and pandemics always do, but while it is present you do need to take extra care of yourselves, being aware of any message with which your bodies present you, and then tuning in to uncover their meaning.  Your bodies are well able to tune into the non-physical realms to access information that you are unable to access purely through your rational intellectual thought processes.  So taking quiet time alone to meditate, or just gently relax at least once each day is essential to your well-being, and by doing so you will be able to gain access to that place of peace and calm within, your holy inner sanctuaries, where Self resides.  It is always there, waiting to reveal itself to you by way of a warm embrace that you can feel, whenever you release or quieten your fearful “what if?” thought processes and open your hearts to receive It (Self).
Every physical or mental action we perform and with which we identify ourselves as the doer becomes a karma for us and produces a reaction what we will eventually have to experience.


I go through often these days the news about the Corona Virus and the un-surmountable miseries caused by it making all of us insecure, fearful and anxious.  So we often turn spiritual   to make our will strong to fight the virus physically.
I am neither bogged down by its severity or its horrid fear of death as I have lived through some of these epidemics in my long life. Epidemics come and go but the brave and farsighted survive and survives others too  which I dismiss as Karmaphala being a spiritual thinker in Hinduism.
Corona Virus is also included in Intelligence’s (vidhartara’s) creation planning like wild animals and has not suddenly dropped from  hell that humans discovered! This takes our thoughts to Bats and Llamas that can survive any pandemic that also give  a clue  as to what kind of vaccine or remedy we should come with   to overcome the present Pandemonium. Scientists came with such plans earlier   during Smallpox and Malaria pandemics.  “Llama Antibodies Could Help Us Defeat COVID-19”, Scientists say. Perhaps we may have to shift our focus from antivirus to antibodies to fight the present pandemonium!  Bats' natural ability to dampen inflammation caused by stress and infection that remains as a mystery in God’s creation, may be a key mechanism underlying their long lifespans and unique viral reservoir status," said Dr. Matae Ahn, at Duke-NUS Medical School. Bats appear to be capable of limiting excessive or inappropriate virus-induced inflammation, which often leads to severe diseases in other infected animals and people.  Our finding may provide lessons for controlling human infectious diseases by shifting the focus from the traditional specific anti-pathogen approach to the broader anti-disease approach successfully adopted by bats and focused in Ancient Life Science, Ayurveda!
The unplanned plunge in emissions returned on pollution to levels previously seen in 2006, though these declines are temporary. This incidental happening despite economic disaster shows how challenging it would be for the world to avert climate catastrophe without structural changes and start learning to live in peace with nature with moderate living   but not mad rush.  Focus needs to be turned away from fossil fuels  to alternate sources of emission free energy such as solar, nuclear, wind etc.Temporary emissions have declined during coronavirus slowdown spotlights challenge of hitting U.N. targets say James Hohmann. A new study showing that global greenhouse gas emissions plunged 17 percent in early April was widely welcomed on  May 19, 2020 as a silver lining of a pandemic that has killed at least 322,000 people, forced tens of millions to go hungry and put billions out of work.  
Even as the economy came to a screeching halt to slow the spread of the novel Corona virus, the world still generated more than 80 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions that it did last year during the same period. Indeed, the unplanned plunge in emissions returned carbon pollution to levels previously seen in 2006. And the declines were temporary. They have already begun to dissipate as countries move cautiously toward reopening and demand for energy increases. The team of 13 scientists behind the peer-reviewed research, affiliated with the Global Carbon Project  that total emissions for 2020 will probably decline between 4 and 7 percent compared to last year.  
While death rates in some countries have risen sharply in recent weeks due to pandemic, in India the opposite seems to be happening, at least in some places, leaving hospitals, funeral parlors and cremation sites wondering what is going on based on some reliable statistics. The main killer in India is death by road accidents, train accidents and suicide. These have considerably come down during epidemic by social distancing and strict watch. This may be a temporary situation, nevertheless has opened the vision to focus on vital issues responsible for alarming deaths in large numbers in India that is an annual feature besides accidental pandemic.
Abraham Religions have been spreading hatred sermons full of  ridicule criticizing Hinduism,   its religious practices as pagan and myth and converting many poor people to their fold with political power, muscle strength  and financial strength. where possible. This is not possible in a country like USA.   But now all of a sudden world attention is focused on India’s ancient culture, rituals, yoga, meditation, Ayurveda and medicinal spices.
Countries like the UK and Germany are desperately looking for Indian spices to help them fight Corona virus. Initial studies have shown that individuals with weaker immune systems are more susceptible to contract the COVID-19 Corona virus, and that the strain can also prove fatal for people who have weak respiratory systems such as the case with smokers or the elderly. For those with a strong immune system, the chances of being cured are much more.
Turmeric is a part and parcel of Indian life. It is used in every household in the country, and has been so since times immemorial.   Turmeric mixed with milk does wonders in killing pain and healing injuries is really something one does not need to describe and so is the Milagu Tonic (rasam). Known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-bionic properties, turmeric plays an important role in making the immune system of individuals stronger. It is for this very reason that ‘turmeric capsules’ are now being widely commercialized and brought into use. There had been sudden  spurt in the export of raw turmeric to European countries affected by Corona Virus.‘Giloy’, an ayurvedic herb can also work wonders in the prevention of Corona virus. Known to cure fever and flu in a matter of days, Giloy kaadha is widely consumed in India for the treatment of viral cold and cough, not to mention fever too.  Giloy, also known as the ‘root of immortality’ enhances the immune system like no other medication. It also is found helpful in the treatment of diabetes and gastrointestinal disorders. My own cerebral meningitis was cured by an Ayurvedic herb chakrani root  while I was lying in a state of coma with no possible  cure by Western medicines  in 1943 at the age of 13.
Copper and Brass have been an essential part of Indian civilization.  The practice of drinking water from brass utensils is inherent to all Indians, of course, that we have forgotten the same is another aspect.  In Gujarat, particularly Saurashtra Rajkot  even today, every h  store drinking water in copper vessels only and  take  pride in cleaning them outside and inside such that the vessels shine brightly. We have talked about the subject at length in the light of mad rush for copper mesh masks. “We’ve seen viruses just blow apart,” says Bill Kevil, professor of environmental healthcare at the University of Southampton. “They land on copper and it just degrades them.” Vessels made of ‘Tamba’ and ‘Peetal’ have been in use for millennia in the Indian civilization for a reason. Copper is a potent antimicrobial material.

The practice of cremation of bodies is being accepted like no other Indian practice has been today. China’s National Health Commission had ordered that all those who had succumbed to Corona virus need to be cremated immediately. The process of burial was discarded as the COVID-19 strain would pollute the soil, however, upon cremation, it would not be able to survive the soaring temperatures. In the West too, many are turning to cremation of dead bodies, as the process of burial also poses a real-estate issue, and just how much land the dead would end up occupying.
Namaste is being adopted by almost everyone around the world. Again, this is a practice born in India, where the event of physically touching someone is meant to be very intimate and not all-pervasive. The act of physical contact, according to Indian tradition meant performing ‘rinanubandha’, which was the accumulation of memories by physical contact, something which should be avoided. Of course in some tradition all-pervasive touching prevails in the North influenced by Muslim tradition.
Importance of yoga and meditation to overcome insecurity fear and anxiety needs no special mention as these have been repeatedly discussed.
Recently I have seen many from Abraham Religion bogged down by fear of Corona Virus rushing to Hindu American and Hindu Canadian temples actively participating in  Vishajwararoga Nivarana Yajnas chanting mantras repeating after priests and inhaling medicinal smoke emerging out of sacred fire. What prompted so many from Faiths other than Hinduism participate in Visharoganivarana Yajna--It is all Universal Divine Impulse of sanghacchadvam samvadadvam.
Yajna can be considered a complimentary medicine that removes the energy blocks in the meridians/nadis.   The ultimate purpose of practicing Agnihotra Yajna is to realize “LIFE”, which means “Letting Incessant Flow of Energy” through our body–mind system as any blockage in this flow would cause disharmony and chaos in the system, thus leading to poor health. Scientists say Ancient Fire Ritual has Positive Impact on Environment. Therapeutic smoke therapy thereby in modern times has its origin in Athirathram and Agnihotra! Microbial analysis made before, during and four days after the Yajna revealed that the air in the vicinity of the Yajnasala was pure and had very low count of microbe colonies. The research reveals microbial activities in the soil and water around the Yajnasala were remarkably less compared to normal ground. The “Athirathram” ritual which literally means “building up of the fireplace and performed overnight” and usually held to propagate universal peace and harmony. We have also discussed about this subject at length in the past.

 The 20/20 Vision of 2020 has changed the shortsightedness of many countries. I have talked about Indonesia, Thailand and Germany in the past. USA has been humiliated bringing its status down as World Leader and its economy is shattered.  Woman Rules and Gurus are showing their power as Parasakti! China’s Communism is not comfortable too politically and end economically.  Nations have started turning inwards more than outwards moving away from Globalization that had become a slogan for sometime. It is thus difficult to understand the working of the Supreme! With Panic He has also brought forth Hope of Survival   and  Success subject to our Awakening to the situation like Pandemonium Crisis. We have learnt walking through a hard path that we are not Masters of Nature and Nature is only Master of us. We should know how to live with Nature focused on constant Eco balancing to live in Peace but not Pieces! Avadhuta Philosophy draws our attention to the importance of learning our lesson from Nature.  Our Shanti Mantra talk about all round peace with Nature that echoed in the White House this year. I believe in "yad bhadram tanma asuva"-- He knows what is good for us. Hence focus on Him praying to take care of us at all times!
The End of Meat is Here in Food and Global Leadership of USA
A menace that has crossed American borders, unleashing a cultural earthquake, upended the daily lives every American and rocked their ancient cultures in the midst of a complex epidemiological disaster. American Global Leadership and Authority has vanished. The author Junathan Safran says” we cannot protect our environment against pandemics while continuing to eat meat” looking at Hindu Values and focus on diet in Spiritual practice.
Americans are undergoing a more permanent shift in national consciousness, a reconstruction of meanings, symbols, values and narratives, something more profound. If the old American creed grew up in an atmosphere of ego, assumed security and liberty, the new one is growing up in an atmosphere of vulnerability and precariousness.
In this atmosphere, economic resilience will be more valued than maximized efficiency. Americans will spend more time minimizing downside risks than maximizing upside gains. The local and the rooted will be valued more than the distantly networked. Americans   will value community over individualism, embeddedness over autonomy looking at Hindu Americans and their focus on Sanghcchadvam Samvadavam, come together; speak together; and pray together.
Something lovely is being lost--America’s old  idea of itself unleashed a torrent of energy. But the American identity that grows up in the shadow of the plague can have the humanity of shared vulnerability, the humility that comes with an understanding of the precariousness of life and fierce solidarity that emerges during a long struggle against invading force.
All eyes were focused on White House on National Day of Prayer Service on May 7 coming in the midst of Corona virus pandemonium. President suddenly turning religious bogged down by National Calamity gave a long speech.  White House invited Pastors, Rabbi and a Mullah from Abrahamic Faiths and BAPS priest from Hinduism to pray for the Nation and to bless the President in his work steering the Nation during the Pandemic.  I give below relevant extract from his long speech and the Hindu prayer that had Universal non-partisan appeal to live in Peace but not in Pieces.

Remarks by President Trump at the White House National Day of Prayer Service
On this National Day of Prayer, America is engaged in a fierce battle against a very terrible disease.  Throughout our history, in times of challenge, our people have always called upon the gift of faith, the blessing of belief, the power of prayer, and the eternal glory of God.
I ask all Americans to join their voices and their hearts in spiritual union as we ask our Lord in Heaven for strength and solace, for courage and comfort, for hope and healing, for recovery and for renewal.
In recent days and weeks, our country has endured a grave hardship.  We pray for every family stricken with grief and devastated with a tragic loss.  We pray for the doctors, the nurses, and first responders waging war against the invisible enemy.  We pray for the scientists and researchers, who pioneer treatments, that they find therapies and vaccines and that they find them soon.  We pray for the frontline workers keeping our nation fed, nourished, and safe and secure.  May God watch over them all………..
 In every part of our country, we have seen the Grace of God through the love and devotion of our fellow citizens.  As Scripture assures us, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save.”  And I think it’s — I think it’s so true.
We have been reminded once again that God has blessed our land with heroes of faith.
And now I’d like to ask the faith leaders of our country — some of the most important of our faith leaders, people respected by everybody — to say a few words………..
Pujari Harish Brahmbhatt.
MR. BRAHMBHATT:  Thank you, Mr. President.  In these troubled times of COVID-19, social distancing, and the lockdown, it’s not unusual for people to feel anxious or not at peace.  The Shanti Paath, or the peace prayer, is a prayer that does not seek worldly riches, success, fame, nor is it a prayer for any desire from  heaven.  It is a beautiful Hindu prayer for Peace — Shanti.  It’s a Vedic prayer derived from the Yajurveda.  And the prayer goes:
Om Dyau Shantih Antariksham Shantih  Prithvee  Shantih  Aapah Shantih Oshadhayah Shantih  Vanaspatayah Shantih  Vishwe  Devaah Shantih Brahma Shantih  Sarvam Shantih   Shanti Reva Shantih  Saa Maa Shanti Redhi  Om Shantih Shantih  Shantih
The prayer translates into:
Onto the Mid-region, be piece;   Onto the Sky be peace; Onto the   Earth, be peace;  Peace be onto the water;  Onto the herbs and trees, be peace;  Onto all the crops, be peace  Onto Brahma and onto all, be peace;   And may we realize that peace;  Peace within ourselves; Peace with the outside World; Peace with the supreme who is beyond all  our understanding.

The process of lifting orders is almost complete at the long weekend of Memorial Day 2020 remembering more the fallen soldiers of healthcare providers. So Memorial weekend celebrated 2020 Memorial Day as the most cursed year in the history of USA. Hindu temples have also started slowly opening the temples for direct worship after the Memorial Day weekend. Bogged down by the voracity and velocity of Corona Virus they have conducted many Yajnas for on-line participation directed to ferocious Rudra and terrific Shulini Durga that I explained at length instead Dhanvantari, worried more by fear than hope for cure knowing past karmas can’t be easily wiped out. Hindus also dismiss it as periodic in nature as and when Dharma declines observing the earthworms that come out in millions after rains in spring with the greed of moving. Humans have learnt their lesson during the present pandemic neglecting to live in harmony with nature out of ego and greed. Pandemic has changed  our lives in the World and how we respond to preventive and curative measures to live in peace but not in pieces will change the world soon. Hindus approached the pandemic year as the dawning of Year of Darkness around March-April 2020 and raised their voices to the Supreme to relieve them from kalasarpa dosha. But their daily prayers as chanted in White House on National Prayer’s Day is a daily feature as also daily Yajna as they believe the year Sarvari repeatedly shows its face once in every sixty years. If during the period Dharma declines Kalasarpa will lift its head otherwise lie in dormant state. Thus there is periodic check on us by the Divine! So Vedas ask us to be ever-ready to come together, pray together and with equal poise! In this context I bring to your kind attention “the Curse of Bhrigu that Vishnu endured has huge significance today” so relevant to present pandemic.

The Curse of Bhrigu that Vishnu endured has huge significance today
While we take curses as something scary and would all want to stay away from it. And yes, they are in fact scary many times and did give the individuals who got one a lot of trouble. However, there are many curses that did do good, eventually. Hence, in this case, this curse has totally changed the course of the history of Hindu scriptures. Unarguably, one of the most important curses in the Hindu Puranas was that given by Bhrigu to Lord Vishnu. Here is the story of Bhrigu cursing Lord Vishnu and how it changed the course of ancient Hindu history.
Matsya Purana states, the story of the war between Devatas (Demi-Gods) and Asuras (Demons). The story mainly consists of Maharishi Bhrigu and Kavyamata who were the parents of Shukracharya. Shukracharya was the great sage who was the Guru of Asuras and gained the mantra of invincibility, ‘Mrita Sanjivani’. Lord Indra was the leader of Devas and elected Brihaspati as the head priest of Devas. Although, Sukracharya being more capable, it was Indra’s favoritism towards Bhriaspati due to which he chooses Brihaspati as the chief priest. Therefore, Sukracharya started favoring the Asuras more as it was a way to take revenge for his partiality.
During that time it was very difficult for the demons to defeat the demigods in battles. Having lost several times, the Guru of the demons, Shukracharya decided to approach Lord Shiva for help to defeat Devatas. He also requested Lord Shiva for Mrita Sanjivani, using which Shiva could bring back the dead. Therefore, Sukracharya started to meditate and pray to Lord Shiva, to grant him Mrita-Sanjeevani Stotram, a mantra that would make the Asuras invincible.
Furthermore, Shukracharya’s triumph, that is if he was granted the mantra of invincibility, would have made it difficult for Devas to defeat the Asuras. Meanwhile, Sukracharya asked the Asuras to take refuge at the ashram of his father, who was Maharishi Bhrigu. The Devtas and Indra used this opportunity to attack unarmed Asuras. In the absence of the sage, the Asuras fled to Bhrigu’s wife who was Kavyamata, for shelter.
Kavyamata used her Yogic powers to immobilize Indra and protect the asuras. Unnerved by the immobilization of Indra, the Devas decided to take refuge at the feet of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, Vishnu decided to enter the body of Indra and to save the Devas. Thus, Kavyamata was enraged by this and warned to burn them down to ashes if they did not retreat. However, Indra instigated to annihilate Bhrigu’s wife and as a consequence, Vishnu used the Sudarshana Chakra. Hence, to save Indra and the Devatas, Lord Vishnu used his Sudarshana Chakra which served her head.
Sage Bhrigu was devastated hearing what had happened. Bhrigu seeing his wife’s condition, got furious because Lord Vishnu broke his Dharma by killing a woman. Therefore, Maharishi Bhrigu cursed Lord Vishnu to be born on Earth many times and suffer the pain of birth and death all those several times. Due to this legendary curse, Vishnu had to take countless avatars on Earth and endure all the worldly pain as a price. Although Bhrigu later revived his wife by sprinkling holy water from his Kamandalu, he was so deeply infuriated and full of vengeance, he decided not to spare Lord Vishnu.
The curse of Bhrigu that Lord Vishnu endured has a huge significance today. Bhrigu’s curse demanded Lord Vishnu be born on Earth in several avatars. The avatars included some of the greatest Gods to ever walk on Earth as humans such as Lord Rama and Lord Krishna.
Without Rama, there would have been no Ramayana and without Lord Krishna, there would have been no Mahabharata and hence, no Bhagavad Gita. Along with them, even the other Avatars of Vishnu such as Narshima, Parasurama, and arguably Balaram or Buddha and all the other avatars who have had undeniable contributions to shape the entire history of our civilization and scriptures. The curse also made Lord Vishnu feel human emotions such as love, hatred, betrayal, and pain of separation.
--By Ramesh of Vedicfeed


The psychological impact of COVID-19 both relative to the disease and the concurrent social disruptions and lock-down care significant and need to be addressed in their own right. Yoga and Ayurveda provide many tools and insights to help us develop peace of mind, inner awareness and higher consciousness for the benefit of all. Note my examination

The Covid-19 Pandemic is causing a massive loss of life, particularly for the elderly, and millions worldwide have tested positive for the virus. Yet the psychological suffering the pandemic causes may be as difficult as the physical suffering.First is the psychological suffering that goes with the disease itself and the loss of life involved. The psychological stress of the health care workers treating it also can be enormous. In addition is the suffering of the relatives whose loved ones are taken away by the disease. Yet there are psychological ramifications extending to the entire society as each person has many associations and connections in life.

Second is the widespread fear, sometimes panic, among people that they or someone close to them may come down with or succumb to the virus, which is highly contagious, making physical human contact into a danger to be avoided.

 Yet in addition to these health considerations there are many other problems caused by the pandemic. The economic fallout from the lockdown pushing the world to the brink of a financial depression is a matter of great concern for everyone. It is threatening the jobs, savings and investments of entire populations, which have taken many years for people to accumulate.

Economic uncertainty hangs like a cloud over the world along with the disease, even for those who may not any symptoms from the disease. This results in fear, anxiety, worry, agitation and unrest in the psyche itself. Along with unrest the social disturbances from the pandemic are bringing up deep-seated political, religious, cultural and national divides, not unifying humanity as a whole. We see more polarization socially and politically in a number of countries, with people getting emotionally disturbed accordingly. Yet these cannot be resolved without removing the fear behind them, which inhibits right judgment.

Yoga and Ayurveda

How then are we to deal with the psychological ramifications of this massive pandemic? Here Yoga and Ayurveda provide many tools to bring peace and clarity to our psyche.

Fear is the root of all mental disturbances in Vedantic thought. It is the first emotion that arises from ignorance of our true nature that gets us caught in duality, conflict, uncertainty and suspicion. We must also go beyond the fear of death or even the fear of suffering in life. To remove fear we must remove our attachment to the separate self and look to our higher Self that is one with all and beyond all death and sorrow.

 According to Ayurveda, fear is the main emotion that imbalances the primary biological air humor, Vata Dosha that holds our Prana. By increasing Vata dosha in the mind and nervous system, fear upsets our entire equilibrium for body, prana and mind, down to instinctual and subconscious levels. It can literally paralyze us.

 Fear promotes Apana Vayu, the downward movement of Prana, disrupting digestion, disturbing sleep and reducing acuity of mind and senses. It causes inertia, negative thinking and negative attitudes, leading to anxiety and depression.

 From a yogic perspective, Pranayama, Mantra and Meditation work to counter fear by opening up the prana and mind. Fear blocks the prana and reduces its flow, creating a pranic paralysis. Pranayama restores the power and the flow of prana dispersing fear, particularly if we practice slow and deep inhalation. Fear causes superficial or rapid breathing or even forgetting to breath, which inhibit the positive prana in the lungs and heart. To counter fear we must breath from the navel and let of any emotional stress held there. Above all we should learn to witness our fear from the standpoint of the Seer within us, our true consciousness. Whatever we deeply see and witness in our thoughts will naturally get transformed.

 There are many Ayurvedic herbs for the mind (Medhya Rasayanas) that help counter fear like Brahmi, Manduka Parni, Jatamamsi, Shankha Pushpi, Amla, Ashwagandha and Calamus for increasing circulation in the nervous system, opening the channels, calming the mind and countering the Vata dosha behind fear. A regular nutritive Vata-reducing diet is also helpful to support these herbs. An Ayurvedic practitioner can help you with these.

 Action and Inaction
 Sometimes fear requires that we act. If you are confronted with fear from direct causes, like finding a snake in your room, you act quickly to counter the danger. This is the case with the pandemic. We must act to deal with its dangers for both ourselves and humanity as a whole. It may require changing our how we live and think, particularly working to increase our immunity at both physical and psychological levels, living more in harmony with nature, following yogic and Ayurvedic lifestyles.

 Yet sometimes to overcome difficulties, inaction may be required, as in the case of lockdowns, much like Ayurvedic practices of rest and relaxation for deep healing, and how yoga practices of retreat and solitude can be very transformative. But these should not go too far, as our capacity for movement may become permanently impaired if suppressed too long.

 Overall we must learn to keep our minds free from outside disturbances, which the media constantly throws at us, provoking fear and panic, or just distracting us with fantasy and entertainment. We must beware of taking in too many negative sensory impressions through the media. We must learn to draw our mind and prana within through meditation..

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s statement in World War II comes to mind here that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear paralyzes us, makes us doubt anything we can do to improve our situation, or worry about anything negative that may possibly happen. First we must challenge our fears and move beyond them with a respect for the cosmic dharma, using difficulties for inner growth. What takes us forward in life is not that we never fall down, but that we always get up and keep going, even if we fall for a while.

 After all, we are immortal souls with the consciousness of the entire universe dwelling deep within us. There is no challenge we cannot overcome with a higher awareness, but fear can prevent us from doing so if we linger in its shadows. Lord Shiva grants freedom from fear, as does Ma Durga and Ma Kali. In fact the Divine grace and presence, however we best relate to it, will neutralize all fear. But we must be open to it.
 -- David Frawley


The Curse of Bhrigu that Vishnu endured has huge significance today
While we take curses as something scary and would all want to stay away from it. And yes, they are in fact scary many times and did give the individuals who got one a lot of trouble. However, there are many curses that did do good, eventually. Hence, in this case, this curse has totally changed the course of the history of Hindu scriptures. Unarguably, one of the most important curses in the Hindu Puranas was that given by Bhrigu to Lord Vishnu. Here is the story of Bhrigu cursing Lord Vishnu and how it changed the course of ancient Hindu history.
Bhrigu Acharya curse on Lord Vishnu
In Matsya Purana, there are stories of the war between Devas and Asuras. In all of them, Devas used to win and Asuras face defeat. Shukra Acharya - the guru of Asuras got very upset and decided to please Lord Shiva. With a desire to get mritasanjeevani stotra, or mantra to make Asuras invincible, Shukra Acharya went on doing the meditation or Tapasya. Meanwhile, asuras were refuging at the ashram of rishi Bhrigu who was the father of the Shukra Acharya. Deities recognizing the absence of asuras' guru, planned to attack the Bhrigu’s ashram for killing all the demons.
In absence of Rishi Bhrigu and their guru Shukra Acharya, asuras took help from Bhrigu’s wife who not only saved them from deities but also immobile Indra. Seeing that Devas went to Lord Vishnu and pleaded for help. After being convinced, Vishnu beheads Bhrigu’s wife using his Sudarshana Chakra. When Rishi Bhrigu came to know about his wife died, he got furious and cursed Vishnu that he will be born on earth several times and suffer the pains of worldly life. This is why Vishnu took so many avatars on earth. It became the most tragic curse in ancient history ever.

The curse of Bhrigu that Lord Vishnu endured has a huge significance today. Bhrigu’s curse demanded Lord Vishnu be born on Earth in several avatars. The avatars included some of the greatest Gods to ever walk on Earth as humans such as Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. Without Rama, there would have been no Ramayana and without Lord Krishna, there would have been no Mahabharata and hence, no Bhagavad Gita. Along with them, even the other Avatars of Vishnu such as Narshima, Parasurama, and arguably Balaram or Buddha and all the other avatars who have had undeniable contributions to shape the entire history of our civilization and scriptures. The curse also made Lord Vishnu feel human emotions such as love, fear, hatred, betrayal, and pain of separation and incorporate it in Puranas as human nature that he has to live with and manage.


Emotions are today part and parcel of human life that had its origin in  Bhrigu’s biggest curse. Hindus believe Corona virus is due to kalasarpa dosha in Sarvari and hence divine curse! But the wisdom lies in EQ management of any such critical situation. Bhagavad Gita Says:    dukheshu anudvigna manah…… sukheshu vigatah sprihaha ……..yudhysva vigata jwarah --not disturbed by miseries and also not elated by happiness   (when the pandemonium  is successfully handled it is normal to  think  it as a permanent cure for all times to come and  rejoice but   it needs caution always in the future), fight the pandemonium without anxiety.

Gita further says; sangaatsanjaayate kaamah-- By attachment lust develops--(enjoying Nature, man develops Lust) Kammat krodho abhijaayate--  from lust develops Anger;  Krodaat bhavati sammohah-- from anger perfect Illusion arises;   sammohaat smritivibhramah-- from illusion Bewilderment of Memory;  smritih bhramsaad buddhi naasah--from bewilderment Intelligence is lost.  So, veetaragabhayakrodhah …… prasadamadhigacchati-- devoid of all emotions or in modern sense appropriate EQ Management  ably  guided  by SQ Management one conquers pandemonium that is spiritually thought as one attains the Mercy of the Lord.

Bhagavad Gita speaks of fear on one side (negative projection) and repeated reassurance (positive projection) on the other side. Krishna creates fear by his Virat Swaroopa (magnified form) on one side but simultaneously re-assures Arjuna on multiple occasions. Firstly, when he said that "I'll appear whenever there is adharma" meaning thereby that whenever there is injustice someone will come and set it right. In terms of a Healer the doctor should convincingly say that wherever there is a complication I will be there". Again in Chapter 18 shloka 65, Krishna says that anyone who takes conscious decision and interprets things with full devotion, there is no reason why he or she should not become happy or healthy. He again assures Arjuna that he is going to be successful. Both creating some fear and reassuring a person are necessary in life. For example if a patient is under treatment the doctors must create fear of not taking medicines regularly and simultaneously reassure not to worry if any complications occur.
There are few labs in the world that can re-create Corona viruses just from their sequences. (Bureaucratic hurdles would make it difficult for China to ship the actual virus quickly to other countries).  This virus’s discovery and the response to it illustrates the speed at which scientists can move by working together.   “One of the things that’s sad is that the public doesn’t realize how incredibly competent the public health and the basic science community are at going from a newly discovered virus to a tremendous amount of capacity to trace and try to control its spread,” Baric says.( Reported by Martin Enserink).

Chinese public health laws specify that laboratories not meeting the requirements must either transfer them to a qualified deposit  for safekeeping or destroy them. China confirms US accusations that it destroyed early samples of the novel Corona virus, but says it was done for 'bio-safety reasons'. Coronavirus may have spread through France from OCTOBER as group makes bombshell admission. Italian scientists investigate possible earlier emergence of coronavirus. If it were a cover up, China would continue to deny that it DID destroy the samples.  
Supreme created Corona Virus as well  as Bat and Llama to show the existence of virus and how it is fought and contained by these animals. Man's attempt to discover mysteries of Nature that humans have agitated has indeed resulted in a big human disaster because equal thoughts have not been given yet  or not progressed on the positive control to study antigens and develop suitable vaccines. In the meantime Nature is smiling at us that it is Nature that controls Man and not Man who controls Nature and he has to learn with patience and obeisance a lot to live in harmony with Nature!
Although Jenner Who invented small-pox vaccination received worldwide recognition and many honors, he made no attempt to enrich himself through his discovery. He actually devoted so much time to the cause of vaccination that his private practice and his personal affairs suffered severely.   Jenner built a one-room hut in the garden, which he called the “Temple of Vaccinia” where he vaccinated the poor for free.    Today the  world is  free of smallpox and  all countries cease vaccination. Unfortunately, since the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the threat of biological warfare and bio-terrorism has re-emerged worldwide.  Smallpox has been identified as a possible agent of bio-terrorism.  May be Corona virus be even more dangerous! People have lost moral values dominated by greed and evil minded! Today such moral and spiritual sacrificial and charitable dispositions like that of Jenner are rarely seen in research of cure for pandemics. Often it is a supremacy  and bullying race! We have seen the atomic  bomb race! The thought started by evil minds to make a bomb. Some countries instead of eradicating pandemics have even the evil intention to recreate viruses in labs and use it for bio-terrorism. So even sincere researches are looked upon with suspicion and extreme caution if it is coming from a country engaged in terrorism! Also many Labs do not have the capacity to careful deposit or transport such re-created viruses for research purposes and unintentionally  might cause devastation

                                                                 --E Mail sent to HR Participants on June 11, 2020

 What is emotional intelligence or EQ?
Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals. It can also help you to connect with your feelings, turn intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most.
In Hindu thoughts it is a prerequisite for Spiritual Intelligence called SQ that leads to perennial joy sharing company with the Supreme or in  Vedic terms Jivatman  or Self reaching  its source, thatis why it has caught the attention of Spiritual Guru Swami Chidananda who is engaged in a long discourse on Light on Emotional Intelligence. In this context I have talked about upanisahdic messages: aatmanaa vindate veeryam; Omityaatmaanam yunjeeta; vijnanena atmanam vedayati; suddhasatvah sanyasayogaat parantakale paramuchyantah etc. Swamiji will be dwelling at length on these thoughts to live and lead the life to spiritual heights preparing for our further journey!
Why is emotional intelligence so important?
As we know, it’s not the smartest people who are the most successful or the most fulfilled in life. You probably know people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships. Intellectual ability or your intelligence quotient (IQ) isn’t enough on its own to achieve success in life. Yes, your IQ can help you get into college, but it’s your EQ that will help you manage the stress and emotions when facing your final exams. IQ and EQ exist in tandem and are most effective when they build off one another.
Emotional intelligence affects: our performance at school or work; our physical health; our mental health; and our relationships and besides in Hindu thoughts our spiritual relationship too.
Being in tune with our emotions serves a social purpose, connecting us to other people and the world around us.  Social intelligence enables us to recognize friend from foe, measure another person’s interest in us, reduce stress, balance our nervous system through social communication, and feel loved and happy. That is why Upanishads talk about sanghacchadvam samvadadvam samaanamakootih etc., that I talked at length.
The key skills for building our EQ and improving our ability to manage emotions and connect with others are: 1. Self-management; 2. Self-awareness 3. Social awareness and 4.   Relationship Management 
In order us to engage our EQ, we must be able use our emotions to make constructive decisions about our behavior.  When we become overly stressed, we can lose control of your emotions and the ability to act thoughtfully and appropriately.
Managing stress is just the first step to building emotional intelligence. The science of attachment indicates that our current emotional experience is likely a reflection of our early life experience and in Vedanta our past life or Karmaphala. Our ability to manage core feelings such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy often depends on the quality and consistency of our early life emotional experiences. If our primary caretaker as an infant understood and valued our emotions, it’s likely our emotions have become valuable assets in adult life. But, if our emotional experiences as an infant were confusing, threatening or painful, it’s likely we have tried to distance ourselves from our emotions.
The cultivation of mindfulness has roots in Upanishads but most religions include some type of similar prayer or meditation technique. Mindfulness helps shift our preoccupation with thought toward an appreciation of the moment our physical and emotional sensations, and brings a larger perspective on life. Mindfulness calms and focuses us, making y  us more self-aware in the process.
Developing emotional awareness
It’s important that we learn how to manage stress first, so we will feel more comfortable reconnecting to strong or unpleasant emotions and changing how we experience and respond to our feelings.
Social awareness (sanghacchadvam samvadadvam) enables us to recognize and interpret the mainly nonverbal cues others are constantly using to communicate with us. These cues let us know how others are really feeling, how their emotional state is changing from moment to moment, and what’s truly important to them. When groups of people send out similar nonverbal cues, we are able to read and understand the power dynamics and shared emotional experiences of the group. In short, we are empathetic and socially comfortable. to live in peace but not pieces. Working well with others is a process that begins with emotional awareness and our ability to recognize and understand what other people are experiencing. Once emotional awareness is in play, we can effectively develop additional social/emotional skills that will make our relationships more effective, fruitful, and fulfilling and also spiritually elevate and progress. (Adapted from Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., Melinda Smith, M.A., Lawrence Robinson, and Jennifer Shubin. Last updated: Octob r 2019.)
 While the exact cause of depression during pandemics like present COVID-19 is not known, the leading scientific theory is that it is caused by an imbalance of the brain’s neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that send signals between brain cells.
NeuroStar Treatment uses transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to target key areas of the brain that are underactive in people with depression. It is not ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). During a NeuroStar treatment session, a magnet similar in strength to that used in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine is used to stimulate nerve cells in the area of the brain thought to control mood. These magnetic pulses may have a positive effect on the brain’s neurotransmitter levels, making long-term remission possible.  No drugs are  involved.
Scientists have known for decades that aerobic exercise strengthens the brain and contributes to the growth of new neurons, but few studies have examined how yoga affects the brain. A review of the science finds evidence that yoga enhances many of the same brain structures and functions that benefit from aerobic exercise.
University of Illinois neuroscience researchers say Yoga has a positive effect on the structure and function of key brain areas associated with memory. Findings provide evidence that yoga may hold promise in mitigating age-related and neurodegenerative decline.
Yoga helps people with or without anxiety disorders manage their stress,   “The practice of yoga helps improve emotional regulation to reduce stress,   anxiety and depression,” she said. “And that seems to improve brain functioning.” The researchers feel there is a need for more – and more rigorous – research into yoga’s effects on the brain. They recommend large intervention studies that engage participants in yoga for months, match yoga groups with active control groups, and measure changes in the brain and performance on cognitive tests using standard approaches that allow for easy comparisons with other types of exercise.
Wegesin is a yogi, neuroscientist and dancer with a passion towards meditation and the healing arts. After moving to New York City, Wegesin worked for ten years as Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Columbia University. Wegesin's research focused on neuroimaging of the aging brain, and how aging impacts memory and executive functions, such as attention. At the same time, Wegesin began his journey into yoga and was immediately hooked by the practice.
Wegesin now works as a yoga teacher, mindfulness teacher and message therapist. He trains the brains and bodies of his yoga students, helping them wake up to their mental, emotional and physical experience in a way that cultivates awareness, acceptance and ease.

Bogged do “mrityor maa amritam gamaya”-- lead us from death to Immortality.  Their long prayer and sacrifice resulted in Internet voice from within by way of Upanishadic thought :

śraddhayā medhā medhayā manīā manīayā mano manasā śānti śāntyā citta cittena smti smtyā smāraɱ smārea vijñāna vijñānenātmāna vedayati tasmādanna dadansarvāyetāni dadātyannātprāā bhavanti bhūtānā prāairmano manasaśca vijñāna vijñānādānando brahma yoni 


By faith mental power comes. By mental power sense-control is made possible. By sense-control reflection is engendered. From reflection calmness of mind results.

Conclusive experience of Truth follows calmness. By conclusive experience of Truth remembrance of It is engendered. Remembrance produces continuous remembrance. From continuous remembrance results unbroken direct realization of Truth. By such realization a person knows the Ātman.

For this reason, he who gives food gives all these. For, it is found that the vital breaths and the senses of creatures are from food, that reflection functions with the vital breath and the senses, that unbroken direct realization comes from reflection and that bliss comes from unbroken direct realization of Truth. Thus having attained bliss one becomes the Supreme which is the source of the universe-Perennial Joy and Shanti. śānti means exclusion of all thoughts from the mind other than what is at the focus of attention, or firmly fixing the mind on the object of concentration.

This is what Swami Chidanandaji will be explaining   to us for our Spiritual Management (SQ) after Managing EQ during the present period of fear and anxiety in his lecture “Light on Emotional Intelligence” that I informed you yesterday.
Dheeyo-yo-nah prachodayat--Savitaaram  Vidhartaram havaamahe!

--E mail to HR Forum Participants on June 25, 2020

Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 Pandemic is causing a massive loss of life, particularly for the elderly, and millions worldwide have tested positive for the virus. Yet the psychological suffering the pandemic causes may be as difficult as the physical suffering.


First is the psychological suffering that goes with the disease itself and the loss of life involved. The psychological stress of the health care workers treating it also can be enormous. In addition is the suffering of the relatives whose loved ones are taken away by the disease. Yet there are psychological ramifications extending to the entire society as each person has many associations and connections in life. Second is the widespread fear, sometimes panic, among people that they or someone close to them may come down with or succumb to the virus, which is highly contagious, making physical human contact into a danger to be avoided.


Yet in addition to these health considerations there are many other problems caused by the pandemic. The economic fallout from the lock-down pushing the world to the brink of a financial depression is a matter of great concern for everyone. It is threatening the jobs, savings and investments of entire populations, which have taken many years for people to accumulate.


Fear is the root of all mental disturbances in Vedantic thought. It is the first emotion that arises from ignorance of our true nature that gets us caught in duality, conflict, uncertainty and suspicion. We must also go beyond the fear of death or even the fear of suffering in life. To remove fear we must remove our attachment to the separate self and look to our higher Self that is one with all and beyond all death and sorrow.

Sometimes fear requires that we act. If you are confronted with fear from direct causes, like finding a snake in your room, you act quickly to counter the danger. This is the case with the pandemic. We must act to deal with its dangers for both ourselves and humanity as a whole. It may require changing our how we live and think, particularly working to increase our immunity at both physical and psychological levels, living more in harmony with nature.  

Yet sometimes to overcome difficulties, inaction may be required, as in the case of lock-downs, much like Ayurvedic practices of rest and relaxation for deep healing, and how yoga practices of retreat and solitude can be very transformative. But these should not go too far, as our capacity for movement may become permanently impaired if suppressed too long.


Overall we must learn to keep our minds free from outside disturbances, which the media constantly throws at us, provoking fear and panic, or just distracting us with fantasy and entertainment. We must beware of taking in too many negative sensory impressions through the media.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s statement in World War II comes to mind here that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear paralyzes us, makes us doubt anything we can do to improve our situation, or worry about anything negative that may possibly happen. First we must challenge our fears and move beyond them with a respect for the cosmic dharma, using difficulties for inner growth. What takes us forward in life is not that we never fall down, but that we always get up and keep going, even if we fall for a while. After all, we are immortal souls with the consciousness of the entire universe dwelling deep within us. There is no challenge we cannot overcome with a higher awareness, but fear can prevent us from doing so if we linger in its shadows.’--Dr. David Frawley



Fear is not a product of life. Fear is a product of a hallucinatory mind. In the present crisis of Corona Virus we are living in tomorrow and that is why there is fear. We can plan our tomorrow but we cannot live in our tomorrow. We have to live in today.  That calls for recognizing the fear today with a wise mind and raise our voices to the Supreme as our sages did. The outcome of their noble fear for others was they came out with a series of vaccines called Upanishadic Thoughts.  Even in modern medical science out of fear for deadly smallpox virus with noble thoughts scientists came out with smallpox vaccine isolated pure for the vaccine.  Evil mind today has made some of the political heads autocratic to grab power and as a result people suffer.  Present crisis calls for veneration of fear and prayer. That is why Hindus fear as well as pray to God.

Please look at the present pandemonium and see, what the worst can happen after all? At the most we will die.  I am not saying this because I am ninety not out! At least let us live before we die because anyway we will die. We are not wishing it upon ourselves. We are planning to live for many years, but it can happen, isn't it? There is really no security with life. It is just a question of how gracefully and with how much freedom we lived this life. If we have lived, it will be worth dying. Otherwise life will be a regret, death will be a regret. That is why Corona Virus pandemonium has not weakened my soul and I am continuing with my work inspired by our Gurus though it is sitting heavy on my crown. Corona means Crown!   Bogged down by fear of Death our sages raised their voices to the Supreme “mityor maa amritam gamaya” ”mrityor moksheeya maamritaat”  etc.


Bhagavad Gita in its inimitable style speaks of fear on one side and repeated reassurance on the other side. Krishna creates fear by his Virata Swaroopa (magnified form) on one side but simultaneously re-assures Arjuna on multiple occasions. Firstly, when he said that "I'll appear whenever there is adharma" meaning thereby that whenever there is injustice someone will come and set it right. In terms of a Healer the doctor should convincingly say that wherever there is a complication I will be there". Again in Chapter 18 shloka 65, Krishna says that anyone who takes conscious decision and interprets things with full devotion, there is no reason why he or she should not become happy or healthy. He again assures Arjuna that he is going to be successful. Both creating some fear and reassuring a person are necessary in life. For example if a patient is under treatment the doctors must create fear of not taking medicines regularly and simultaneously reassure not to worry if any complications occur. Vedas instead of condemning  death prescribe mantras for worship--mrityayave swahah! Fear of death and worship leads to turn inwards and liberate soul!


Our Modern Gurus focused on Upanishads draw our attention to Kathopanishad to strengthen our life’s Vital force called Pancha Pranas:  Pratibodha viditam matam amrutatvam hi vindate,  atmana vindate veeryam vidyaya vindate amrtam.

"It is really known when it is known in and through every modification of the mind, for by such knowledge one attains immortality. By Atman one attains real strength, and by Knowledge, Immortality." - - - - - Kenopanishad (2-4)

Bhagawan Ramana explained the same as follows: "Yes, everything is Brahman (Isavasyamidam sarvam). Every vritti (state) of the mind including grief or sorrow is Brahman. Every kind of strength, including physical strength, will be obtained by a person when he realizes his Atman (Vijnaanena Atmanam vedayati)"


This is further elaborated  and clarified in Mahanarayana Upanishad:

  ……..annena pranam prāairbala balena tapas tapasā śraddhā śraddhayā medhā medhayā manīā manīayā mano manasā śānti śāntyā citta cittena smti smtyā smāraɱ smārea vijñāna vijñānenātmāna vedayati…  


When the life-breath (Prana) is nourished one gets bodily strength. Bodily strength gives the capacity to practice tapas (in the shape of self-control, religious fast, and so forth). As the result of such tapas, faith in scriptural truths springs into existence. By faith mental power comes. By mental power sense-control is made possible. By sense-control reflection is engendered. From reflection calmness of mind results. Conclusive experience of Truth follows calmness. By conclusive experience of Truth remembrance of It is engendered. Remembrance produces continuous remembrance. From continuous remembrance results unbroken direct realization of Truth. By such realization a person knows the Ātman.

The vital breaths and the senses of creatures are from food, that reflection functions with the vital breath and the senses, that unbroken direct realization comes from reflection and that bliss comes from unbroken direct realization of Truth. Thus having attained bliss one becomes the Supreme which is the source of the universe.

According to Bhaṭṭabhāskara, śānti means exclusion of all thoughts from the mind other than what is at the focus of attention, or firmly fixing the mind on the object of concentration.

MNU   glorifies Brahman as “Prane tvamasi sandhata brahmamstvamasi”--Brahman is the one who unites the Jivas with the aggregate of the body and five Pranas   It also says  Brahman is vasuranyah-- He is also the object of meditation for all gods (devatas). Pranas are worshiped as devatas  as mandated by Upanishads!

Prana is not the breath, though it is closely related to it at a physical level. Many people define prana as the breath or call it the breath. This can help us approach the vast subject of prana but can be misleading if we take it literally. Prana broadly speaking is our vital energy that operates body and mind and has not only physical but also mental and spiritual aspects.


The Prana is energy movement. It is activity of the vital force and it works in many fashions. There are several functions of the Prana, and because it has several functions to perform, it is given different names in accordance with the nature of its activity. Just as we can have different designations to a person in terms of the work that he performs, and just as the designation may change when the function changes, but the person remains the same irrespective of the changes in designation, the Prana remains the same irrespective of its activities. But it has various activities. Among the many functions of Prana, five are important. Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana are the Sanskrit terms for the five-fold function of (please refer to my discourse on Ayurveda-life Science) a single-bodied energy called the Prana. Prana is a general term for the total energy of the system, and it is called by five different names when it performs five different functions.


The expulsion of the breath, or the exhalation of the breathing process, is conducted by the Prana. When we breathe out, the Prana comes out with force in some way. When we breathe in, the Apana works. When functions such as digestion of the food that we eat are carried on, the Samana works in the center of the navel. The de-glutination or swallowing of anything that we eat is helped by the functions of the Udana in the throat; Udana is also said to be responsible for the final isolation or separation of the astral body from the physical body at the time of death. It is also said to be responsible for taking us to sleep when we are tired or exhausted. Vyana is that force which circulates throughout the body and is responsible for the movement of the blood-stream through the arteries and the veins, and also it is the power that moves the oxygen that we take in through the capillaries of the lungs--(David Frawley)


Surprisingly many employers claim workers are hyper-efficient while working from home during pandemicI do not know what inspires them in focusing on "Karmanyeva Adhikarih" and Kartvya tatparah? When office workers around the world went remote four months ago  many managers feared productivity  would collapse. The destruct-ions of  home--from childcare to television--would wreak havoc on workdays, they thought. Surprisingly people  are more productive in the pandemic as we learn from results. Transition to remote work from home bogged down by  fear of job loss  brought forth  more focus and concentration on work to be effective  and also help  subordinates  from remote as Gurus  when they sought help and guidance. All this reflects on mind moving from external distraction, turning inwards and finding no time for egoistic tendencies, the basic attitudes needed for for spiritual progress. The efforts of  our Seniors, Doctors  and  Spiritual leaders   helping us overcome depression  and eagerness  to guide us  in EQ and SQ Management  during this pandemonium of fear and  anxiety should not  be under -rated! We also feel the improved quality of air and cleaner surroundings enjoying the nature as we walk out for a while for relaxation from serious work at desk that needs focus after the pandemonium to improve our quality of life!


We have flattened the curve of Corona Virus by our will-strength, let us flatten the curve of Pandemic Fear and let us also flatten the Pandemic Fear by  the EQ and SQ Management!


Families bear the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the anchors of the family and the foundation of our communities and societies, parents have the responsibility of sheltering their families from harm, caring for out-of-school children and, at the same time, continuing their work responsibilities. Without support from parents, children’s health, education and emotional well-being is at risk. By introducing family-friendly workplace policies and practices, companies and organizations will be in a better position to promote children’s safety and wellbeing and provide systematic support to employees. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its exponential growth,   it is essential to support working families to minimize negative consequences for children. Remember  all these while celebrating National Parent's Day on July 26.

May there be Peace from External Disturbances, Shantih;   Peace from Internal Disturbances, Shantih;  Peace of GOD that is beyond any understanding, Shantih (shantakaram Bhujagasaynam, that peace Good Lord Enjoys even  while lying on a Bed of Serpent enjoying only its soft cushion effect)



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